Hatcher’s Armory is all about guns and weapons.
We were founded in part for reloading but now with the new rules we must relaunch and become better than ever.
Come join us in talking about guns, hunting, shooting and all manor of weapons.
Some topics to discuss are
Electing a new chair / vice-chair
What exceptions we want the board to consider
Setting up a meeting with the board
Finding subjects/people for classes
What to do with our equipment
Helping everyone here dispel the air of uncertainty around DMS and guns
Reaching out to local gun related groups
It is time to get back to making cool weapons and weapon related gear
We will be in the Conference Room on the 1st floor of the Makerspace on the 10th of July at 7pm.
I have decided to run for chair. I have many ideas and can help implement them. I also want to help coordinate between people here at the space and the board. I have already had several informal meetings. But it is an election and open to all that attend. We also need a vice-chair.
You’ve got my vote @Draco I’ll try to be there on the 10th for the vote.
From what I’ve seen you take the subject seriously and I haven’t seen you lose your cool in any of the threads on the subject.
I’m just glad that someone is running instead of the committee making their election a joke. I thought it was cute at first, and I sympathize with their frustration over being shut down, but if they want to be taken seriously they need to act like they’re still a committee.
Here are 2 pennies worth:
Guns and Weapons and Education are broad terms so let’s think in broad terms. DMS has many departments which can be utilized in a cross pollination of activites. since gun owners are not just owners but shooters as well, I can see Hatchers taking the lead in teaching a class activity, then taking a field trip out to the range to put it into practice. Example #1 - skeet shooting. Proper use of a shotgun. How to properly lead a target. Then go out and put it to use and shoot A LOT.
Here are some related activities that can be offered as classes which will bring popularity and honorariums to Hatchers: Home firearm safety: Take charge of your family’s safety and get the basic knowledge and skills to safely handle or store firearms and ammunition in the home.
Pistol Shooting: basics of pistol shooting, defensive training, reloading and concealed carry training(done in coordination with a certified teacher of course). Teach and then go to the range.
Rifle shooting course - same. Shotgun (skeet). Personal safety.
As for cross pollination - how many owners make their own holsters? Sounds like a good opportunity to get a leather guy in there to offer a specific class for gun owners. I happen to know a guy (me) who can do this. Same for larger shotgun cases.
Wood display or presentation cases for guns: Sounds like getting woodshop and laser involoved.
Tool making: Get some metal heads involved.
Archery and bow hunting: if Hatchers is about guns AND weapons this is definately something people can learn.
Just for Fun: If anyone is going to lead a rubber band gun revolution don’t you think it should be Hatchers. From pistols, to rifles, to gatlin guns these come in all flavors and would be FUN and can be as creative as you want, fit within the rules, and involve several departments for building and decorating. (sounds like this could be a yearly contest)
So anyhow, if Hatchers needs to reinvent itself these are just a few ideas I spit balled together. Take it and run with it. cheers!
I just joined DMS and was very sad to find out that the powers at be basically shut hatchers down, as I was excited when I first heard about it before joining.
I highly doubt we could get dedicated internal space for a range. That said, a temp range with a dropcloth enclosed pop up tent backstop could be set up pretty easily in the back parking area next to the building.
I have several pistol replicas (Beretta M9, Walther P90, SVI Infinity), as well as AEGs (upgraded HK G3-SG1, FN P90, and a full metal M4 RIS) that I could bring out…