Would love to see automotive classes

I would love to see the automotive committee start offering some maintenance and upkeep classes. While I know my way around an engine at a high level, I’ve always wanted to be able to do my own brake job, just never learned. I understand every vehicle is different, but I think there are likely a lot of us who would be interested in learning more about vehicle repair/maintenance/upkeep.


Just as an FYI on one reason Auto classes aren’t really “on the calendar” specific to this desire:

You’ll get much further asking an active Auto Committee Evangelist for assistance on your brake job. Then we can point, and grunt, and shake our heads while grunting and/or pointing to help you work your way through your brake job on your vehicle. Sometimes we even pitch in, but not to the point of interfering with you learning to do your own brake job…

But I agree. We (and I do mean that I need to be a part of the solution) need to find a way to get some kind of classes posted for Automotive. There must we something we can teach that doesn’t run afoul of “liability reasons”…

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Makes sense, and I’m shaking my head at myself in shame for the brake/break misuse. I’m lucky that I’m not in a position of needing to a brake job, but when I get there I will reach out for assistance in the form of pointing, grunting, and maybe even helping to finish a 6-pack.

Hopefully other classes will pop up. I’ve replaced an engine twice on an 85 firebird but that was in high school, and today’s vehicles are nothing like that old beast.


I intend on teaching classes once I am done with a couple oersonal projects. Keep an eye on Talk and I’ll post when I am ready to do them. It will likely be September.


I would be more than happy to start teaching these kind of classes a couple times every week.