Why is DMS such a mess?

More important than throwing away a certain thing is trying to design systems and processes to avoid the issues in the first place. No one wants to push the same ball up a hill forever. If a pallet of stuff that can be thrown away is just sitting around, what lead to it being there in the first place. If something is left on the dock, did it not have a better place to go, why was the dock the easiest location for that person to leave it? Why was something left on a work table, was there no obvious place to return it to? In my opinion logistics in the current organizational structure is the most important part of keeping DMS functional, you will be crucial in the upcoming expansion as logisitics will grow in area more than any other. Ensuring that DMS is a useful place where members can come and safely work will depend on you.

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We’re out of the town for family obligations. Hope many volunteers show up though. Guess you’ll be one of them Art?

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The expansion committee has plans to help the issue a lot and to
reduce the workload on everyone

Have you had trouble working at the space recently? Encountered a dangerous problem?

I recently got hit in the head with a heavy glass piece that fell off a shelf in a local thrift store while
I was looking for material or a class I was teaching I guess that was related

I am in the workshop several times a week and I have never encounters a dangerous problem due to items in
storage And since I have low vision, I will notice trip hazards Right now the worse problem I see is that the work tables are too close together and often folks working will block the egress with both their bodies and their tool boxes

The same night you took those pics I easily walked around the carts at the loading dock Due to the problem with worktables I will often use the path behind the HAAS to get to the back door I know that it not a officials walk way
but it is safer and easier for me and in case of an emergency, it is the only quick exit from the JSM area for
someone with vision issues

communication is my major drive, i told you all this at the logistics meeting. i trust that a month is ample if not enough time for all committees to get their things off the desired area. you must give some notice before you start pitching things in the trash. i know it seems weird given your past and the OCD like tendencies but that’s just how we can co-exist.

its a shame you will be out of town for the weekend, but please come back soon, i could use your expertise on the yellow cabinet (everytime i open it- i need to close it after 3 seconds)


Art has been a volunteer at many of the off siteing the last year. I have even
helped a little once or twice, by labeling and taping boxes I may just be in the way
too much

Regardless of who pointed it out, or their past history, the place is a disgusting mess. Instead of exercising your egos, get organized, and clean it up. Rent another storage locker if you have to, but jesus, really? Excuses instead of action? The place looks like the hoarders all finally filled their houses to the rafters, and are now working on turning DMS into the town junkhouse.


It s a shame that folks that are not helping or even working at the space and that know little of
what is going on are so vocal

With a change in the committee chairman and with all the work going on on
expansion, off siting is later than usual and yep, more messy

Why don t yall take a break from fault finding for a couple of month

Did you know that we had an entire glass studio donated to us? ad then we have had severl tother
glass donations? Did you know that much of that glass was not marked and it has to be sorted
my hand and some even tested in a kiln That takes time but I doubt we could have afforded to buy all the tools and glass we need

Did you know that we got a donation of around 3,000 plaster molds for slip casting and they have to be sorted and the building where they are/where is not ACed and it has been over 100 degrees many days? And not only do they have to evaluated by ceramics, glass needs to check some of them our to see if they want to make slumping molds from some of them

add to that all the many folks working the expansion committee and int the committees with it and those folks
working on PR and those teaching more classes since the committed will need the funds
and there is slew of folks giving lots of time to DMS

And in the middle of all this the Peanut gallery shows up and complains

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Some at DMS make things.

Others make trouble.


(emphasis added)

They are, necessarily, of equal importance.

All systems and processes that one can design to avoid logistical issues have rates of failure. Good ones then have contingencies for those failures. In the context of the problem you identify, those contingencies, very typically, would end with “throw away a certain thing.”

Design of a plan is not, and cannot, be more important than execution of the plan – if that ends up being the case, the plan ends up being a worthless waste of time.

Thing is, the nature (and the complexity) of the system or process is up to the designer. And the designers are the committee chairs. So, it could be said that insofar as one follows committee rules, there already is a system in place for managing this.

It is certainly not lost on anyone that you want to help develop better systems. I’m not a committee chair, so I can’t take you up on that, but hopefully somebody takes you up on that offered volunteer time and capability.

Meanwhile: You identified a situation you find problematic. The solution to the problem, per the current system, is that somebody has to help “throw away the certain thing,” as you put it, for whatever value of “certain thing” the committee sees fit. You’re being asked to take the next step in remedying what you see as a problem and help execute the acting solution.

It’s a volunteer organization. Nobody can force you to. And I suppose anyone’s free to point out a problem and not help fix it. That said: looks like ball’s in your court.

As with many other people in the 'space, my main method of paying the bills involves writing software of some form or another. It seems like it’s a pretty universal hazard of the occupation that you’ll inevitably and continuously be approached by some “ideas guy” who has the next way to “innovate” on a particular widget or sprocket and “just” needs help creating the actual tool itself that would be the long enough lever to move the world. They have the whole idea worked out, see, and they just need someone to build it, and they’re willing to let you join the ownership team at a “generous” 50/50 in exchange for the sweat equity of building it…

Because they don’t know that even if their idea was in any way unique, which it nearly never is – there is nothing new under the sun, and most likely the idea has been tried and failed due to it being infeasible or to nobody actually wanting it – but even if it were, it’s not worth a 10% share, let alone 50%, because the actual creation of the thing (the “manufacturing,” if you will) is where every idea hits its snag, again and again and again, and where the real costs of the creation end up showing themselves. To pore over design in the search for perfection on the drawing board is nice and all, but even aerospace engineers run wind tunnel tests.

Not to mention that – perhaps not in aerospace, because it might violate some component of their ISO 14 Billion and 1 requirements, but certainly in general in a number of manufacturing fields – the techs with their hands on the actual product and engineers telling them what to do tend to have a lot more respect for an engineer who is also capable and willing to go down there and do the thing too. Applies to more broad “manufacturing” as well: having been the architect on a few software projects all the way down to just another gun-for-hire coder, it’s always the ivory-tower architects that don’t seem to have any connection to actually banging out lines of code that get the most pushback on the feasibility of their design decisions. And that’s with coders that are being paid. Bottom line is, in the real world, design divorced from execution isn’t worth much.

To quote Mark Twain: “Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.”


wow being an elder statesman at DMS sure doesn’t carry much respect.

Nobody is doubting expansion and that things are changing. However you are totally missing the point of the thread.

So lets just say the veterans that are chiming in on this thread come out help clean up for a few days etc. will it stay that way?

What you don’t understand is the makerspace has pig pens and alot of them, their goal is to come into the space mess it up and go home. You cannot deny this, regardless of donations growth etc, that has nothing to do with organization and enforcing rules, looking at your cameras finding out who is a filth monger and addressing the issue.

All i’m hearing is i see the problem but you know what i’m just gonna overlook it, and do what i want cause im the chair.

If somebody told me my area was a shitty mess, i wouldn’t even be on talk, i’d be at my area staring at figuring out how to clean it up and keep it that way.

You are correct, however some who make refuse to clean up, that’s the point, and what are we doing to KEEP IT FROM HAPPENING, not what needs to be done to clean up the current mess.

You watch, if you keep the same this is why its messy attitude, with this expansion the same filth trolls are gonna come right back into the space and turn the new areas upside down. I promise you anyone not just Brandon can come back in 2019 and take pics of the same areas, and guaranteed, same excuses on a different day.

Yes we can help clean up but we can’t enforce rules that’s the job of the chair.

That’s why the space use to looked like this, and the filth mongers stayed pissed off all the time.


If you need help reach out and ask for don’t sit in the filth and drown it. Don’t sit around waiting for volunteers, coordinate a clean up party, hell offer to buy pizzas to those that show, everyone likes to eat. This is where you build comradery and friends. Then once its clean establish a set of reasonalbe clean-up rule, and enforce them. Do this and the problem goes away. It’s not that hard.


That’s not true.


  1. All members are expected to maintain a safe and clean environment at all times.
  1. It is the responsibility of each member to help enforce the Code of Conduct. If someone is violating the Code of Conduct politely explain to them why their behavior is not acceptable. Egregious violations should be reported to a Director or the President.

Lady, you can live at DMS for 10 more years, and you won’t put as much into DMS as I have. Spare me the attitude. You haven’t earned the right.


Agreed, however the chair enforces the rules for that committee.

I sure as hell did.

Yeah but not everyone does it, which is why the chair is the first line of defense.

That happens all the time, why have chairs if you have to go running to the directors for everything. Have ownership in your committee and be reasonable. It’s not the chairs job to wipe the asses of members, but you can sure keep the ones shitting in your space out of it.


No worries.
The Challenge is on going.
As in monthly.
And yes Merissa, I’ll be one of them.
Have been for over a year now.
See y’all next month.

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Glad you’ve been a consistent help this year, logistics has always needed that. I’d like to help as well but would really appreciate it to be posted more than a day or two in advance to plan accordingly.

@axeonos if I can help by getting anything upcoming on the calendar I’d be glad to. Just send me a PM.

Months to plan ahead.
Multiple opportunities to show up and help out.

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My point is there’s nothing on the August calendar for storage meeting and offsiting, or any upcoming logistics committee activities for that matter, so my offer to Axie is based on that. The further out plans are on the calendar, the more likely bodies are to show up and help. That’s not a new thing. And as many small tasks that can be delegated out from a committee chair, the easier it is for them. Or at least that was my experience.

I try to keep my personal life to myself somewhat so I’m not going to continue to explain myself over and over about availability with a new baby, and prior to that chairing my own committee through significant life events and pregnancy. So whether that satisfies you or not, that’s all I’ve got to say about the past. Let’s look to the future.

I am looking to the future.
A future where @Brandon_Green and friends show up to help out.
You can help him/them with that.

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I’ll make this point one more time, what’s the point in doing a massive cleanup if no one is going to enforce rules on the herd from messing it up again. There’s too much effort aguing with folks that have valid, undeniable, factual points.

Take a look at the TITLE, the finger was pointed at DMS, not specific people, and for some reason it became personal. Some folks have a life outside of the space, the space is not center of the universe for everyone.

Brandon may have unorthodox ways, but he’s human just like anyone else and has a family. Someone having a baby has nothing to do with the filth level of the space. The point is even in their absence the space shouldn’t have been left to go down hill in respect to cleanliness, or if anyone takes a break, like myself. I took a long break but MS was still getting my 50.00 a month in membership dues.

Nobody called me and said hey we see your not around do we need to stop your deductions, so as a member i figure you can step up and call out BS whenever you want to, I’m over here cracking up as the post is actually something the space needs, and is for the betterment of the space.

My thoughts are instead of saying “hey why dont you come help clean” whats the harm in just keeping it clean period.

Yall are attacking the wrong set of folks, we haven’t been here to shit in our own backyard. Attack the people that are coming in and leaving turd bombs all over the space. Attack the makers of the mess, not the people noticing it and bringing it up as a concern.

Filth is filth is filth…Yall can keep wiping asses if you want too, while the asses being wiped sit at home and drink beer watching yall continuously clean it up. Attack the head of the snake the body dies, and so will the filth.