Wanted: Powder Coat Oven and Gun Tutorial

I am interested in using the powder coat gun and oven. The wiki indicates that no class is required, but it would be great if someone who knows the setup could show me (and potentially others) what to do - and what not to do.

Anyone willing to show me the ropes?

Anyone else interested in participating if something is setup?


The person to ask is its creator and current chair of the metal shop, @dallasmagna

Yup. Powder coating would be sweet!

Learning about powder coating would be great

I would be in to learn about powder coating.

Hi guys, I would also be interested in learning how to powdercoat metal frames.

Any traction on a powder coating class?

I would also be interested in a hands on tutorial if one happens.

Yes! It would be great to have a class!

I’d be in on this too :slight_smile:

I’d sit in on it.

I recall we used to have a functional powder coat setup but the heating element burned up and/or was possibly misused?

Does anyone know if a plan exists to restore this amenity for DMS members?


Some members have bee using the tiny little toaster oven in ca for powder coating (tiny stuff)

@dallasmagna is listed as the creator of the powder coat oven.

Chuck – we need classes on this tool! Please help us coat all the things!


Any more information on this as of yet?

Hey all. The powder coating oven in the metal shop is not in a fit state to use. In other words, broken. I was looking at it and noticed a few things I’d like to discuss with Chuck. If you look at the controller box, the wiring is all jumbled and disconnected. I’d like to talk to Chuck about this… I believe I have components needed to restore the oven to working order.
The powder coat gun is the Harbor Freight model and will work but, it needs a pressure regulator that appears to be missing. You CAN turn that brass knob to restrict the air flow, but it would be much easier with a pressure gauge and a pressure limiting valve. Neither is expensive and for under 10 bucks you can adjust the airflow.


We have a small regulator some where at the space that we can use. The wiring has to be redone into the larger enclosure. Also we want to add a fan. Ideally a convection oven fan would do the job.


If the powder coating will work on copper and if it is something tha
can be done safely by someone with vision issue, I would love to
'learn how to do it

I need to learn new things

I have an enclosure that will work as a new control box. I just completed a scratch build oven that can accommodate a 3’x3’x5’ piece so I pretty much have the wiring down. I did mine a little differently but very happy with the outcome. There are a few things that I think should be changed in the wiring at the Makerspace.
Copper can be powder coated. In fact, I think any ferrous metal can be coated and there are tricks to even coat glass. Eastwood has videos of the process. It is amazingly simple. Worst part is keeping everything really clean and not touching anything oven hot!


I would like to learn how to powder coat and I am willing to help in anyway that I can to get this equipment up and running.

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