Wall-mounted panel press

If we had any walls, it might be fun to build one of these.


then there would be arguments about people leaving their panels in it too long (like the tables). :imp:


I’d hope a panel saw setup would take precedence over this if we had the wallspace. Although this is kinda cool…

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What about rolling panel press divider walls? we could even add a dry erase board on the back and remove the rolling dry erase boards around the space.

I hope these managed dripping glue nicely.

I would LOVE to see a panel saw at DMS.

Don’t we have a track saw? Could it be somehow adapted to become a panel saw?

It’s been mentioned…


Well, last I looked there was a mostly empty wall behind the table saws.

However, last time I looked, Woodshop committee had a funds balance of about $56 so I guess that’s not likely to become a reality any time soon.


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