Wall Mounted Dashboard Monitor Setup

Do any of you happen to have any kind of live dashboard monitor setup at home that shows you everyday your to-do lists, investment dashboards, home automation status, etc.?

Thinking something like a really thin wall mounted all-in-one touchscreen PC that is always on might be the best thing. Then I can have all of my dashboards in one place and have them always in my face.

I am horrible about keeping track of the things that we have coming up on our calendar, trying to keep up with to-do lists and being up to date on our finances. Totally stresses me out not being able to keep it all straight.

How big of a display are you wanting? Do you need it to be Windows based or can Chrome work? Do you want something that is like a desktop to manually update or something more like a Kiosk/commercial display that ties in to an existing calendar and feeds?

As I tell clients; Hardware is the easy part, what is the content you want on the display?

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I think @AndrewLeCody was working on a home dashboard.

There are apps for your mobile phone that let you cast schedules and dashboards to a chrome-cast.
I’ve also purchased a google home hub which is a dashboard I can talk to give me information like weather, driving routes, and schedule.

Check out https://dakboard.com/site

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Try https://magicmirror.builders/ its the open source modular smart mirror platform and we do have an upcoming workshop on this planned around February.

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