The Queue.......Thinking of others

This is what UTA did.

And he’d probably do it, too.

What’s shocking is he suggested doing it and waited for discussion, input, and consensus, as opposed to just doing it, making it a fait accompli, then suggesting doing it. :slight_smile:

And then flagging my post after I thanked him…weird :slight_smile:

maybe brandon doesnt want praise for buying 3d fab 11 printers…

yes the queue is a thing. its even in our sylubus, which you can read on the wiki here:

im guessing the next step is just signage. signs a comming!

I’m guessing you’re going to 3D print the signs?

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lol that might take some time- i have already requested that max make the signs but if he wishes to print out each letter 3d printed- okay XD

If it were me I’d Shapeoko the shit outta this!


The current Queue sign is big enough but does need to be redone, which I have told Axey i would be happy to do but it will still be the same size it is now.

I think the current sign & size is very queuet. :blush:

CNC router a sign. Damn near could make it as big as you’d like to.

Go blau!
Vinyl lettering the floor, maybe the biggest, most legible way…

I’m just curious as to when we are classed as “done” and pass printer control to the next soul?

If I have 3 items to print that can’t fit together on the bed, do I relinquish after each item?

If a 6 hour print fails after a couple hours do I relinquish before I can reprint?

(I will now go read the wiki to find answers)

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Once you start a print you name goes off the queue, once that print is done (no matter how long of a print it is) you are also done and have to go back on the queue at the bottom. Printing multiple pieces in one print is fine but after you print is done its time to let the next person in the Queue print their piece.

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3d printing could ban people who do not use the queue. Then it will get used


Sidebar: The dry erasable pen was kaput the last time I was printing. Where are replacements kept? Are there replacements?

General office supply restocking point is typically the small sink area near the water fountain (down hallway outside galley). If there are none there then it would be best to put in a ticket so logistics can pick some up during the next store run.

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Last time I was at Sam’s they had some BS small multipacks of dry erase with some unwanted erasers. Perhaps they have seen the errors of their ways and have the big makers mark packs in stock again.


Is this really the official way the queue system works? I have seen, more times than I can count, people print object after object with names on the queue board. Sometimes I just give up and erase my name. I honestly had no idea it was one and done.

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If you see someone doing this let me, Mitch, or Axeonos know about it