The Cell Phone of the Future Will Be Implanted in Your Head


But automakers are more excited by the revenue possibilities when vehicle-generated data creates a more customized experience for riders, generating higher premiums, and lucrative tie-ins with third parties, such as retailers. “The reason (the camera) is going to sweep across the cabin is not because of distraction … but because of all the side benefits,” said Mike Ramsey, Gartner’s automotive research director. “I promise you that companies that are trying to monetize data from the connected car are investigating ways to use eye-tracking technology…” Carmakers could gather anonymized data and sell it. A billboard advertiser might be eager to know how many commuters look at his sign, Ramsey said. Tracking the gaze of a passenger toward a store or restaurant could, fused with mapping and other software, result in a discount offered to that person.[/quote]

How will the car “phone home” with the data? If I do not succumb to subscribing to a data package, will it grab bits of bandwidth from free Wi-Fi hotspots it may detect?

It might be worth it to the manufacturers to subscribe to cell data on your behalf if they’re seeing the potential for residual service revenue.

Interesting. OnStar sort of works that way. The OnStar button can be used to resubscribe which means the cell radio continues to operate and is recognized by the network.

Puts a whole new meaning on the term “Talking out of your ***.”


A few flights ago TSA wanted to swab my phone and check it for trace residue. I’d hate to see their heads explode as they try to reconcile their rule to swab a phone and that phone being implanted.

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Studies show that the dirtiest item many people own is their phone. Some are even contaminated with e coli.

This situation is not going to be getting better.

Faraday clothes
Wave of the future

Wireless charging seats or underwear…

Puts new meaning on:
“I get charge out of…” :flushed:


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Just wait until your battery explodes. :open_mouth:

Hmmm…a hack that allows/causes overcharging remotely…:crazy_face:


as interesting as that may be I bet we’ll be using our body for that:

I can see it now: e-nutrition to energize you and your embedded devices - because it’s got the electrolytes that the transistors crave.

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Afterall doesn’t that mean the matrix was powered by clustered cellphones?