Teaching Classes. Noob Alert

Can anyone advise a newbie on how teaching classes goes at DMS? (New to DMS not teaching lol) Mr. Moose says I can join the tribe if I can cover membership by teaching…but I’m unclear on if one must establish a set level of street cred first or if we get to just dive right in. There was something mentioned on the tour about quality control and egg frying demonstrations. CA is where the bulk of my real skillz are so thought I’d check with you guys.

I’m sorry in advance for all the questions I’ll probably ask.


I should add that once I’m DMS approved for machines I can totally do testing and training. Especially during summer when I have largeish quantities of time


@uglyknees I don’t wanna give the wrong amswer here. Is it the chair’s decision as to who can teach equipment classes?

@MrsMoose what are you wanting to teach?

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Did we talk on Thursday night?

Amanda (@MrsMoose), I answered some of your questions in your other post about Water Etching:

[quote="missydee1206, post:3, topic:19618"] Is it the chair's decision as to who can teach equipment classes? [/quote]

Generally, yes. The only exception I can think of off the top of my head is with equipment on loan - which is not as common as it once was.

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@missydee1206. I have jack of all trades level knowledge on pretty much everything except weaving type things. I figured it could be cool to start the ball rolling with a papermaking class…or peyote/bead weaving…have a pretty good recipe for paper clay. I’m not sure if classes on introductory level drawing over a technique like how to grid without math, composition tricks, or watercolor techniques is egg frying.

Tossing around the idea of a multi class project like making a start to finish paper maiche project. Or digital art things like mandalas in Illustrator


Lol @missydee1206 yeah I think we did. I was going to get more info but like you saw I was missing curfew and gonna be grounded

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Thanks! I assumed that would be the case. You gotta protect the cool stuff. God help me if I believed the folk who said “don’t worry I know how to clean a brush” at face value


Sounds like you have a lot to offer! I’m excited to see what you teach. And drag hubby into the Space!

Like Nicole before me, I don’t believe in territorial pissing matches over teaching, but if your class falls in line with something someone else teaches regularly, maybe coordinate with them so that you don’t plan similar classes around the same time.


Oh hubby will love the space. Luckily a mechanic focused on the shop side so we can have separate but equal making. He just can’t come to open houses because of work. Dad is also watering to see wood shop lol. I’ll make them all antlers so they can be identified


You can show them around any time once you’re a member. Or if you want someone who’s familiar with what’s what, shoot me a message and we’ll try to coordinate a time for you to lure them in… I mean bring them for a tour


When you decide you are ready to teach, one of us (myself included) can clue you in on the “secret language” :grinning: needed for a better chance at getting the honorarium. (Seriously, it’s not so secret, but just a few simple pointers can help you out here.)


(yep - I know profile says John - that’s hubby … it’s a long story)


Hey Moose-

Pm me your email and I’ll send you a template we developed. No real need to use it. Just a good outline. Happy that you’re so in love with the place and can’t wait to meet you. I’m stepping down as ca chair and devin is stepping up (although I’m going to be around) so most things will be tagged with her and she’s ready and willing to help out.


Here is Talk thread containing the template.


Yay! I hope people are there now. You’ve sold me and I’m going to get the key card and show him. Pencils shall be in the back in case he decides to let me color lol

It was inevitable. He asked how it was and I just had to tell him I’d found my people! (Arts councils are cool and all but they tend to be more about profit and more…elitist…I guess?)


Yes please! (Peyote bead weaving)

And if you need any help working up a class, I like doing that sort of thing (figuring logistics, good descriptions, etc) and would be happy to help. Lately I’m at the space a lot on tues/thurs afternoon/evenings (in ca).

Generally when I’m thinking of teaching something new, especially if it might use/need department resources/supplies, I just work out the details and run it past the chair. Usually no problem if it’s been thought out. Then just schedule it (keeping in mind honorarium requirements if applicable, which benefits the department, and can offset your membership costs if wanted).


It was nice meeting both of you today. I saw you as you came out of the warehouse giving your husband a our … seemed impressed (how could he not be?).

Look forward to seeing successfully get your first class launched and taught.


Paper clay would be great,

If you need some beads for a bred weaving class
let me know. I have a lot mostly 11, czech and
some of Delicas and even 15s, some 10s and larer also

I lost a lot of my vision last summer and I am afraid that
my bead weaving days may e over, I haven t given up, yet
I will have to get someone with decent sight to thread needles
I tended toward freeform peyote and I was planning on teaching that befor,
oh well, that s life


I teach HS jewelry so the school is always open to bits/baubles/stray equipment if DMS doesn’t want them. I have some leather remnants and rawhide strips to contribute. I imagine we can do a beginner and advanced class with the free form :slight_smile: I’m going up next week to get laser official so if you guys would like your own looms as well we can make it happen. One afternoon I’ll draft a file for a bead board too.

For paper clay just a one time workshop on how to make it or a start to finish project? @missydee1206 I am cleaning out my home space and can loan a card deckle to CA if you guys have a blender.


Very much. Only the threat of starvation because we haven’t gotten groceries in two weeks kept him from running back to the house to fetch his slide hammer to help you get that whtachamajic off the hookamicky. He wants to join…ah the siren song of the impact. He just doesn’t know if he’s more excited to play in metals fab or with you guys in the shop.