RFID Lockouts Being Installed Soon - Check Your Permissions - Here is How

You will have to walk through the new community area (Common room) to get into the galley in the new space.

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What is the waiting room? The front lobby?

The front lobby is moving to #102 with the expansion.

The kiosk can be unplugged to move it and it will reboot itself when plugged back in. There are four components: the kiosk and its power supply and the printer and its power supply.

Nobody was grandfathered in when the hands-on version of Woodshop Basics was created, so yours is probably no longer valid. I believe there will be an express route from Woodshop Basics or Woodshop 101 to the new scheme.

I think what @brenly is suggesting is that we move it to the current lobby and put signage up asking people to check their permissions.

I think signage would be great. I’m not certain where you would put it in the lobby. I would check if Stan wants to move it or not. I think it is fine where it is. We might get another one built and put somewhere else.

There should be signs on the RFID lockout boxes saying what is required and you can check if it works.

I would leave it where it is until the expansion move.

Is scheduling of a bridgeport / colchester lathe classes on an impromptu basis? I didn’t see any on calendar and would like to take the next available class to avoid being locked out in the future

(As an example of past informal training, ~3.5 years ago Walter Anderson taught me how to use lathe before formal classes existed Need lathe help, Wednesday evening)

You should talk to @nicksilva for your grandfather certification.

You will be grandfathered in on the lathe. And I should easily be able to add you to the other ADs

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Brandon, I’ve added you to the Clausing Lathe AD group per Nick’s approval.


Agreed, but a small sign posted above it would be very welcome.


A small sign? for a project that would potentially lock out a large portion of our members from doing what they join the space to do in the first place? just making sure we’re clear here.

There isn’t room for a large sign… and from what I’ve seen no one reads signs around here anyway. :wink:

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Long haired freaky people need not apply!

Hey now, I resemble that remark.

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@StanSimmons, I Finally went to check my AD permissions and I’m missing a few:

Have the Form 2 SLA printer, but not the regular 3D printers listed.

Have the CNC router but not the woodshop basics.

Is there a group for the Cold Cut & Aluminum chop saw in the Machine Shop, or are those going to continue being locked by the physical lock?


Those will continue to be physical locks at this time.

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Not sure if there is a new thread for this, but does anyone know if we still have this around and where it is? It doesn’t seem to be where it’s pictured above.

This picture was back before we expanded.

It’s in the common area near the middle on the table

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