Remote Surveillance of 3d printers

Yeah, I’ll be in on Saturday, probably around 11AM or so.

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I actually liked the new interface

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Sounds good Sean (@zootboy) … I’ll see you there!

Thanks Michael (@mlass) ~ I’m really glad to hear that!! :slight_smile:

Well… I am working with @Andrew_Falgout on a deployable image using octopi as the software package.

On the plus side, I now have the most of my notes compiled on making the current install. Once the image is complete… estimating a couple of days… we may try to make a push to install on one of the others. Maybe Far Lefty… that is pending 3D Fab chair approval.

Hi William (@william_petefish) …

In the spirit of the OP @Svejk, can you tell us more?

Also, it would be great if you and Andrew Falgout (@Andrew_Falgout) could possibly come by the 'Space today to work with Sean (@zootboy) - at least discuss the differences, pros & cons, etc… of the different configurations. He plans on trying to be there around 11 AM. I think it would make a lot of sense for y’all to work together vs working on two different configurations.

I hope to see you all there!

Small update: If you load up the OctoPrint page for Far Righty and click over to the Control tab, the webcam stream should be live.


Im going to make a new one this week when im back in town. I found some better case designs.

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Righty is now set up with Octoprint as well. Its IP address is written on a piece of tape on the printer, and it can be run in the same way as Far Righty (using the same lovely instructions but with the different address).

The IP address method of accessing them is temporary, we’re working to get proper hostnames for the printers and a common webpage to access them all more easily.


Thanks for the continued updates (here on TALK, as well as within the 3D Fab Committee Google Hangout chat)! This is coming together really well; and, I really appreciate all the work everyone has put into it so far!!! :smile:

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Check out the (currently very likely to be broken) progress on a dashboard:

Only viewable from inside the DMS network for now, but that’ll be fixed pretty soon.


I can hardly wait! I’ll be there at some point tonight to check it out!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Surveillance is now at 50%! The left side of the page is still full of lies, but the right hand side tells the truth (with perhaps up to a 1-minute delay).

Also, the camera streams are directly accessible with the following URLs:
(note that Chrome won’t display the raw cam pages)because it sucks

And octoprint:

It should be mobile friendly (as long as your mobile browser supports mjpg), and it uses no Javascript at the moment, just a meta refresh tag.

I’d like to hear any feedback on this page, as there’s still plenty I could do with it. Does it work for everyone? Is there anything else you’d like to see on it? This front page is intended to be an overview of the printers with no controls. The octoprint pages will be viewable from anywhere but only controllable from the 3D fab PCs.

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Can you do some of the init work on Far Lefty and Lefty sometime?

I have the Pis configured. I am going to have them installed tonight. All
that is left with them is to do the init work for the cameras.

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Ok… Gus got me the lines to add to rc.local to allow for auto-start of
mjpg-streamer… BUT that being said, We need to get a proper init script

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mjpeg_streamer? Do you mean motion?

Also, there’s a small hack that needs to be done on boot to restart the USB subsystem, otherwise the v4l driver errors out. If all the Pis are online, I can remote into them and try to get them all up to speed.

It’s too bad Debian hasn’t switched to systemd yet. Init scripts are a pain in the ass…

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UPDATE: Things are coming along really well!

  • All four PolyPrinter 3D printers are now running on Octoprint now! :smile:
  • All except Far Righty “stream” web cam feeds really well, too! (We are still troubleshooting the webcam connection issues on Far Righty…)

Coming soon:

  • Octoprint will be locked down to allow “control” of the printers only from the three Design PCs in the 3D Fab Room. (This will prevent anyone from accidentally sending commands from mobile devices, etc…)
  • Configure our Internet accessible web-page to allow anyone with the URL to be able to VIEW the current status of the printers and the web-streams.
  • Documentation!

We would like to encourage members to Post Feedback!

  • Are there features that you would like for us to consider adding?
  • Please reply with any Questions/Comments/Concerns/IDEAS/etc… that you may have for this project!

NOTE: If you have noticed anything not working quite right, please let us know on this thread ASAP! (Think “Bug Reports”). We want to make sure the system is working great; and, need your input to make sure that happens! :slight_smile:


'ello! I play with Raspbian a fair bit. Does auto-init not work (sudo /etc/rc/init.d update PROGRAMNAME defaults, run the command again to remove the script)? Did you try auto-init, then filling out the script with the parameters you need?

If not, then how does mjpg-streamer work? Can you set up a config per device to have it by default open a stream?

I can use Construct 2 to write an easily maintained status page that would load all 4 printer status/cameras in one page as long as I can get these in a raw or XML format per feature (i.e. a page featuring only status events, a page with only the camera, and so on).

They are already streaming to one such page. Just not available to be seen
yet. We are working on it and working the bugs out.

We are not running Raspbian. (Bananian is what we are running.) It is
slimmed down a bit from the initial fork of Debian Wheezy. I had to
manually add the start commands to rc.local.

Most of the heavy work is done by mjpg-streamer… and the printing done by
octoprint. General install guide for most *nix systems can be found at Mjpg-streamer produces a stream at

Sean did the most of the webpage for loading the streams to one page. I’ll
let him take it from here.

Running update on init.d is supposed to create a small script that you can reference with a start command with all the …I’ve learned to call it ‘runlevels’ Debian thinks it will need. In raspbian the start command is added automatically, I guess Bananaian doesn’t automatically add the command?

Raspbian is also a fork of Debian Wheezy, but it’s not as compact, and it’s included as a default in the NOOBS installer, so that’s what I know.

Regarding the monitor page, I was simply offering in case we didn’t have anything ready.

The status page is up on the internal network at if you’re interested. If there’s anything else you’d like to see on the monitor page, let me know.

As for the whole init thing, dealing with initscripts is a huge pain in the ass, especially for what is essentially a single command that is run once at boot. The rc.local solution is fine for our purposes. Maybe once Debian switches to systemd I’ll make a proper service. But I suspect that’s a ways away, so not really on my radar right now.