Ram press for ceramics?

I got no pony in this race; just thought it would be more feasible to adapt an existing tool makerstyle than add a custom, low use tool.


cool stuff, hows the new house?

Which is why we marshall our destructive forces and conquer the back parking lot! We can have a fleet of kilns of all kinds. Soda, wood, raku, giant walk in reduction kilns from Scandinavian countries! It will be glorious and we will fire all the things. :slight_smile:


OMG! @uglyknees part deux … the taking over of the Makerspace. I see, rather than battle the Red Queen for interior turf you’ll be expanding outside.


Making tiles is specialty subset of ceramics.

Make 1 tile, meh, not so bad. Making 500 is a HUGE undertaking.

There is a warp issue with tiles. Both in the making and the firing of them.

Then there is glazing…

How passionate are you about them being made by you? It is a big bite with some steep learning curves and penalties.

And off sited wood can fire the wood kiln and think about all thos
wood shavings ro pit and raku firing

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I have always wanted to make some tiles I have seen where
one can use a piece of wood and hammer the clay into the mold

I totally get it - it’s an obnoxious idea for us but still seems interesting. I’m going to go cry myself to sleep.

Ps if we expand I say we charge per hit of the sledgehammer as a maker made donation train. I don’t know why I take THE most difficult way to create something…no I really do know.




The true victim here is Sansa. :smile:

Would it be possible to use some sort of release paper or agent instead of water or air - to keep it primitive ?

My parents once made all the tile for their kitchen backsplash. The plan was to fire some of their favorite recipes into the glaze. But they discovered they were going to move shortly before they started glaze, so they wound up with some fire on accent decals instead.

My recollection is that they made all the tile with a couple of slip cast molds. Most of the time was simply waiting for the molds to dry enough to cast the next pair. Being slip cast to solid, you don’t have to deal with pouring slip back out and putting it away, or ensuring moisture content, but you do have to top off the slip once or twice and the molds get really wet. I think they cast a pair of tiles every day for a few months, and fired a load every week. (Limited tile shelf kiln furniture also)


Not a dream killer at all…I’m interested and have something that might be able to be “makerized” into a clay tile press.
I have a heavy duty hydraulic ram with a hydraulic power unit …it would require the input / help from others to make it workable.

Back up idea!!!

Wall mounted Extruders are very fun to use, take up little space, and will bypass landlord issues. I vote we put one on the wish list. :alien:

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Fired arts used to have an extruder? I thought I saw one during a cleaning day. I agree that an extruder would be awesome.

Indeed! We do have a large extruder. It mounts to the storage shelves and we have a small selection of plates in the grey cabinet (at the moment). You can make new plates on the laser, the 3D printers, in metal shop, etc.

Anyone interested in teaching a class? It isn’t hard to use, but could be cool to give people some ideas of all the things you can make with one. I don’t click with handbuilding but some people can really knock out awesome coil pots and that’s just the start of groovy extruder projects.



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Ta-da! You delved well, sir.

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Can be done without a ram press

and here are another way

I would love to work on see how we could make some small one
make them on drywall and just plan on getting a project storage spot for a month to dry them

I love using an extruder and I would love to teach it

It is a shame we can t figure out a place to mount it in the reorganization

We can make some place so we can do hollow designs

I need to find a good piece of scrap in woodshop and have somebody drill it for us. The current coil plate is Much Too Large, unless one want to build 2’ high pots. I’ll try to remember to look. It hits my brain at useless times.