POLL - Plasma Ventilation or Paint Room

I don’t know how people came to 4x2 as the biggest thing you can paint, but it’s 10x8 and the three foot clearness needed is for the outside.

If people want bigger we can get bigger. The cost to increase the booth is not a lot once you get past this size. The size of our building is the current limitation.

@bgangwere is correct that we don’t want people painting cars. There are many problems with this. We would like to stay under the “industrial” regulations as far as gallons used. Also, some people currently will join for a month come and make a mess of an area, get what they need from DMS and then quit. If people find out they can paint a car for $50, my guess is that type of behavior will happen more.


The 4x2 figure comes from the fact that you need about 3 feet between the booth wall and the object, to fit yourself, the paint can or gun, and enough airspace to get even coating. Subtract 3 feet from each side of a 10x8 booth and you’re left with a 4x2 workspace. If you can move the workpiece around, you can push that to just under 7x5 in perfect conditions, but that significantly increases the booth time for a piece. It’s not an ideal tradeoff.

If you’re worried about people joining for a month, making a mess, and quitting, you should probably start with the mess in the woodshop. Every time I find myself at the space, the woodshop is an amazing mess, while the Automotive Square, formerly known as Engine Swap Central, is the cleanest damn plot of floor in the whole place. Which is what happens when you hold people accountable for their actions, and the messes they make.

All that said, I can dig the regulatory issues being a problem. I’m not even suggesting people paint their cars at DMS- it’s not practical to invest the funds it takes to make a proper paint area for cars. I just don’t believe the current proposal of knocking out walls to install a 10x8’ booth is an ideal proposal, especially when it’s competing with ventilation for the plasma cutter. As has been said numerous times so far, you can rattle-can stuff anywhere. I painted a whole car in my driveway. I could do it again, reasonably. If the purpose of DMS is to provide a place where resources that are exceedingly difficult to acquire for normal individuals, can be available to a large member base, I’d say the plasma cutter is far more valuable to the mission than a claustrophobic paint booth.


Ok, Ill bite.

Cleaning a wood shop is far different than cleaning an oil spot on the floor. Its also a lot easier to prep an area in auto with cardboard under a car. When something is cut the dust can stay suspended in the air far longer than it takes someone to sweep. I expect people to do their best to clean up after themselves and put tools back, but I do not expect the wood shop to be 100% dust free. Some people are worse than others, just like any other area of the space.

As for people joining, making a mess and then leaving I remember there was a guy with a nissan who just left is car disassembled in the automotive bay for a few days, didn’t put tools back at then end of his work, then left a huge mess. The auto chair ( @Brandon_Green) ended up cleaning it with his wife for several hours that day with some others help. Then to top it off after the guy was done he quit the membership after only 1 month…oh wait, that was you.


While I hardly think this is the appropriate place to name names, I reject your claim thoroughly. The only tools belonging to DMS that I used were the gantry and 2 of the jack stands. The remainder of the tools I used were my own, including floor jacks and my own engine hoist. I was there almost every day working on the car, except for a few days due to the damnable traffic caused by the poor weather we had during that period, and during all of that time I had permission from the Automotive chair to store the car under such conditions. Any mess that had been left was addressed, including personally addressing concerns with a member of the board whose name I can’t recall- the tall man with the grey stubble.

Once I had the car sufficiently patched up to roll out of the shop, I proceeded to clean the entire automotive square with degreasers and detergent to pull up any stains left by any oil I, or even others, had spilled. I even took a picture while I waited for the floor to dry after mopping it all up. (By the by, that Hong Kong Phooey Miata was in the square before I ever showed up, and remained even after I left, occupying the casters nearly the entire time)

After that, I did cancel my membership, yes. This was for 2 reasons: I became unemployed during that period and couldn’t afford to pay $50 a month to subscribe to work on projects I could no longer afford, and because I became privy to a disturbing level of politics and games of gossip, which severely impacted my view of the MakerSpace and several of its key members.

Oh, and by the way, somebody should really try and clean up the oil spill under the Haas mill. You know, seeing as how spilled oil is such a big deal when Automotive does it.

So if you want to bite, you can bite me @AlexRhodes. This is the sort of one-way-but-not-the-other nonsense that put a DMS membership at the bottom of my priority list.

If we’re such a lousy place, why are you trolling us? Please go away.


I didn’t originally name names, but you went after wood shop and I couldn’t stand idly by as you say to hold people accountable. So I did.

Kudos to you on taking a picture of the shop at that time as I did not. BUT, the area in question would be off the left side of the pic. That is where your car was. I didn’t take any pictures but found some that Robert did at the time. What you call “politics” or “gossip” is just people holding you accountable.

I say good day sir.


That picture was taken when the car was parked to the very far right (nearest the laser cutter) while I was out to get another bucket to catch more fluids. This was during the first hour or so of working on the car. I immediately cleaned up the spill, as soon as I’d moved the car across the shop space (because Garek with the Durango was where I’d planned to effect the swap) the following morning.

You can mic drop all you like. The fact is, I was held accountable for my mess, and I cleaned it up and took steps to ensure any concerns were addressed as they came. I even bought Tide and concrete degreaser for general shop use, which I’m told is still sitting on the auto shelves.

The same largely cannot be said of much of the memberbase, who move about anonymously with small projects that don’t capture nearly as much attention as a car sitting in the bay for a little over 2 weeks.

To address @bgangwere, I’ve been active because I’d been considering re-upping my membership. Thought I saw some of the eye-rolling hypocrisy clearing up. I was wrong it seems. You guys enjoy your technocratic muck-sling. I’m gonna go do something meaningful.

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Probably really had to do with those exact actions in your post. DMS is certainly not perfect by any means but the most egregious examples of messes have occurred in the auto area. You cleaned it up kudos to you. But that should be a given, make a mess clean it up. Better yet put something under the leaky car in the first place.

Do we have politics and gossip, sure we do. Just like any other organization with many people. But it is also people that make this whole thing work. Many members dedicate lots of time to DMS. While I was taking a the CNC router class I witnessed @AlexRhodes cleaning & organizing the woodshop for several hours.

Not many members dedicate time to picking up others messes much less several hours a week.


Natzis … all of you!!!

There, I said it. That should end this thread. :slight_smile:


DMS politics be cray, yo…



I apologize to all for my lack of restraint. I should have shown better judgment. I want DMS to be a welcoming place but sometimes my enthusiasm for the space gets the best of me.


Alex, I read it as just putting the situation into words they will hopefully understand. Thanks for all you do. Between 5 board members, ~20 chairman/chairwomen & co-chairs, and many enthusiastic members it takes a lot to keep a place like DMS running. Few hiccups here an there but it’s not perfect and probably never will be. We manage the chaos as best we can and move on.


I hope that you continue to participate at DMS. I enjoy reading your posts. I can’t say much about the dispute that you have on this issue, as I don’t know anything about it, and it doesn’t matter what I think at this point, anyway.

My advice regarding holding a grudge:

"He Who Cares Least Wins!"

Move on and…


Personally I don’t think you have anything to apologize for, The statements you responded to were clearly of the ‘bless your heart’ variety and seemed to be intended to present a version of events that at the very least are disputable.

Personally, I feel that folks who put in their personal time to keep a volunteer run organization working for all of us have more credibility then folks who aren’t even members or are members and don’t do anything to help (instead of complain). It isn’t an issue of ‘politics’. The Internet is re pleat with examples of trolling behavior that is solely intended to start ‘flame wars’. Frankly, I don’t understand why the Talk forum is even open to non-members.

Yeah, what Walter said. I for one appreciate all that Alex does for DMS. He has put in untold hours keeping the woodshop running and serving on the board as well as lots of other service activities. There are many others who give of their time for the benefit of the membership, too but I know Alex is one of the most dedicated leaders at DMS.

All organizations have people with differences of opinion, different interests and frankly availability of time to donate to the space, but DMS is an awesome place because of people like Alex and others who give of their time to keep DMS functioning smoothly. Thank you to all who do.

I would also approve of limiting the ability to post to this forum to members in good standing. They are the ones who have a vested interest in DMS’ success.


Plasma Cutter. It’s a hard critter for me to get access to.

Paint booth sounds great … But also sounds like a HUGE mess when someone doesn’t clean up properly, abuses the equipment, and leaves old paint to dry in the sprayer.

100 posts!

Too bad I don’t see anything about getting duplicate reader badge for reading all of a second 100 post thread.

I am going to close this post and stop voting. We are currently giving priority to the ventilation for the plasma over the paint room.

Thanks to all the members that voted.