Plasma Cutter status and training

I would like a status on the vent hood installation. I have projects with hard timetables and need to make a plan B if necessary.

What sort of deadline?

I’ve heard of talk of putting in the vent hood, but I haven’t seen any changes in months.

You should probably use your plan B. The plasma cutter has been down for months and I haven’t heard any kind of ETA.


Chuck was working on something. I had some stuff lined up with professional engineers, my last guy suggested a few items & even offered a stamp.


@mdtest The folks in charge of this task and the other fire marshal tasks are the board members. They should be your contact point for this issue.

Sorry for the delay @mdtest but its taking longer than I think any of us expected. The hardest part is finding an engineer to sign off on a design. I had previously called 4, with only 2 willing to come out an look at it. Neither of them were willing to sign off on it. Chuck, Lee and Tim were working on finding another engineer. I will follow up with them and ask them to post an update, but if you have any leads on an engineer that would be willing to design/sign off on the ventilation let us know. If anyone else feels they could help, please let us know.

We asked for help here as well


Appreciate the info.

As an aside, a Professional Engineer cannot merely “sign off” on a design. The design work itself must be performed by the PE or under their direct supervision. I speculate that’s why they’re declining – they can’t ethically stamp a plan they haven’t pen-to-paper reviewed, and I’m guessing that’s not in the budget.

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It sounds like we need to have a meeting to get this underway.

I will be up there tomorrow around 6PM. Board Meeting is 7PM - 11PM, so if we can meet at 6PM, we can put anything that will need funding on the board meeting agenda. Overall though we need a PE to design and sign off on a design. If we have to pay them, that’ts fine. Right now we can’t even find one willing to accept the work.

Thanks for looking into this.

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Was a path layed out to have a vent hood ultimately installed? In the search for an engineer, there has to be other machine shops that have installed hoods. The could be contacted to find out who the engineer was. Plasma Cutter manufacturers may be able to provide a list of engineers in the area.

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About a week ago I met with another PE. We are expecting the quote by COB tomorrow. I honestly think he is the most promising one so far since he is the only one that has asked to see the roof. Once we know more I will make an announcement.


If this falls through (again) can we have a down to Earth conversation with the fire marshal about the situation? This professional engineer stuff is getting ridiculous. The fact that most of the professional engineers we’ve reached out to don’t call back or won’t take it is a sign of how ridiculous this situation really is. What’s wrong with something like this or something like what the laser cutters have setup plus a hood?

I think professional engineers are not calling back because it’s a waste of their time (and our time). If you can buy something on the internet to solve the problem then you probably don’t need a professional engineer. Am I missing something?


That’s exactly what I pointed out in one of the threads. It is designed for that particular purpose. I wouldn’t see a reason why it wouldn’t work personally.

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A waterjet cutter would be nice… just saying…



Not sure what the status is of the last PE meeting that happened a few weeks ago but I know a PE that works here:, he wants to become a DMS member and can help with an inexpensive solution. He said he can have his boss sign off on this project to get it going. Digger Branson (XXX) XXX-XXXX (PM for number). Let him know you are from Dallas Maker Space regarding the CNC Plasma cutter Hood and were referred by Matt Hoinkes. He should be able to help out. Let me know if you have any questions.


We received one quote from the one PE and I would like a second one. I have PM’d you so let me know any info there.

Side note to others: I also spoke with the Building Inspector again last week and we will need some info in order to receive our new Certificate of Occupancy. I will make a bigger detailed post later, but it is going to require a lot of data gathering.



@Alex were you able to get a hold of Digger yesterday? Let me know if you have issues with contacting him and I can try reaching out to him again. Thanks,

I spoke with him today, didn’t remember till after 5PM yesterday. He is passing my info along to another person who will most likely do a visit. I hope to hear from them tomorrow.


Any update? I will follow up if you need me to. Just let me know.

Was using a friends cutter lastnight and had so much fun so I am really interested in getting this going. WOuld be a nice christmas present to have!

