NextEngine 3D Scanner - Accurately scan objects that can be difficult or impossible to replace! (Video is a couple three years old - new version even better now!)

I posted a link on a separate thread a few minutes ago to a video of a much higher (read: much more expensive; but, much higher quality - like what I’m guessing Robert was hoping for…) 3D Scanner that was shown on Jay Leno’s show a while back… (Faro ScanArm 3D Laser Scanner - Scan Entire Vehicles with this scanner!)

Here is another video from another show Jay Leno did. This is actually an older version of the scanner that 3D Fab has been looking to get. The version I had requested on this month’s board meeting has been improved; plus they now offer upgrades that make it MUCH better than it was almost three years ago when this video was uploaded! :wink: :slight_smile:

Check out the video and SEE how great the old version was; and, just imagine how much better the new version is!!! (Yes! I can hardly wait until we have a quality scanner like this at Dallas Makerspace!!!)

Continuing the discussion from 3D Scanner for the space:

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