New specs for laser computers (upgraded and resolved)

Hi Kim,

This feels like this would be solved by just adding a GPU to the additional computers.

Kim you sound knowledgable around computer hardware I would put together amazon links etc. and then send them to @merissa for purchase it seems to me totally reasonable for any system that has an adobe license to have a GPU.



Thanks Robert! That’ll solve my problem.

I have an extra NVidia GTX 580 laying around that I can install on the ThunderLaser, so right now I wouldn’t need you guys to expense for that. As for monitors, will you guys be open to upgrading too? Something like below:

Your link is broken, here is is fixed (and shortened in case talk doesn’t like something about it).

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If we want to get about 5K nVidia K80’s I can get us a screaming deal…

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Whereas that’s a lot of k80 horsepower, the V100 is the new hotness…

One of the best design machines might be in Digital Media.

This might help:

In order to get your hands on some V100s, you must first buy 5K K80’s…

Thank you, but, my concern isn’t designing my designs on these computers —
It’s just that we need a decent GPU as stated above to run Illustrator more smoothly for last minute cleanups on the laser computers so I don’t have to waste time loading my design on a computer in another area of DMS, edit that, run back to lasers (if no one takes my spot), run that to laser, run back to the other room to make another change… etc.


How much is a K80 going for these days on the used market.

I think around $3K each.

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I agree. This was something I noticed people doing.
There is enough demand for the cutters that design should be done prior to using the laser cutters.

I’ve also noticed over the webcam stream feed people at the laser cutter for 5+ hours and the machine was just used probably about 30 min max.

One last item is regarding the work table at this area. Many people use it for laser cutter unrelated tasks.

Me too, I have been inline to use the cutters for 3-4 hours and the total cut time during that interval was 10-20 minutes, maybe. When we finally got on the machine, our total time was 45 minutes and the cut time was 25 of it.

I don’t know how we can get more people to prepare their materials at home or elsewhere.

Keep the laser computers too weak to do significant design work?

Edit: From the OP, emphasis mine…


Charge from the time you log on until you’re logged off, not just run time. If you want to tie up the laser doing design work, it’ll cost you. People just “tweaking” but really designing will find it gets expensive.


I get this is an issue. It will not be resolved on TALK.

I wish you all would go to the Laser meeting and stop blowing up TALK. Or get everyone into a private chat.

Lovingly from the grumpy guy who is tired of reading about a theoretical computer upgrade.

I am Amy.

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You are free to ignore this thread…

Except I get 15 emails a day from TALK.

Most today are talking about a theoretical upgrade…

I think y’all are missing her point. She’s trying to multitask. Loading and prepping a new cut while the laser is running is the best use of her time. She is asking for the GPU to get an update so the computer doesn’t struggle like a fish out of water like it currently does when trying to open a file.

I share the sentiment. When I’m doing long cuts I try and stay ahead of the game by getting my next cut ready so all I have to do is unload the cut stuff and load the new one and hit go.


Praise Jesus, hallelujah. Thank you for explaining.

/end thread.

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Now someone can figure out if the computers belong to laser or if the computers belong to infrastructure. :wink: