New Class Approval System Qs

Linking from here because this is the latest in what I perceive to be a glut of this type of “I wonder what happened to my request” type things.

In short, I’d like to hear more about what’s being envisioned for the improvements which have been chattered about in terms of actual goals, functions, vision, etc. Is there a meeting I could attend to hear more?

In longer:
Is the proposed new system going to be more transparent?
It strikes me the way to do this (and I’m sure I’m too late to offer any REAL input, but…) is with obvious transparency, so (someone, at the very least, the requester) can browse to the “pending classes” page, see the requests, see which of the BOD has ticked the “I approve” box, and see just where in the process it is (i.e. perhaps “awaiting third BOD member approval”, or “in process for scheduling”, etc.).

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As I understand it (and let me be clear – pure hearsay here):

The “new” system is supposed to be:
Submit your class x days out (still 12, I think)
If nobody objects, class goes on calendar and has preliminary approval for honorarium.
3 folks attend, submit request for payment.

So – no more waiting for 3 board members to approve. But!! Coding isn’t done yet. Other systems have taken priority.

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Yes, I think that is about right, but I have heard a couple of other subtle changes to the process from what you describe.

  1. Honorarium is still optional, as always you can teach a class with no honorariums.
  2. You must decide up front if you intend to receive your $50 honorarium or if you intend to donate it to DMS.

If nobody objects, class goes on calendar and has preliminary approval for honorarium.

Will this change mean that individual board members have veto power over honorariums, or will an objection trigger a request for a majority vote?