New Calendar and Honorarium process

Please send an email to admin

How do I view an event in the past?

Click on Calendar view (upper RH corner). Use the month scroll arrows if necessary.

P.S. If you are logged in, and use the “My Events” option, it should show all your events including those in the past (without the Calendar view option).

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Looks like you got your answer in the thread

Enhancement request: classes which are pending approval show up as “registration is closed” if you give someone the direct URL as a preview. It’d be great if this were changed to “class is pending approval”.

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Yes, it is worth clearing up the states a bit.

This has been submitted to the developer :slight_smile:

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Remind me again, someone: How do I see past events? (In the case I want to copy the text from a prior training session to mine)

You go to the Calendar and log in. Then in the upper right you select My Account and then Hosting Events

You then get to see all events past, present, and future that you have hosted.

Ah, but this is an event that someone else hosted. Since it is a training class, it would be best that the text be the same. In the past, I’ve copied from the calendar. Now I can’t scroll back up to those past events.

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sigh I just got done typing in my event request in the new system and when I pressed “submit”, I got “This request has been Black Holed”. Now I have to type it back in.


(edit: gcore to the rescue – was able to dump the firefox process and strings out the POST from the memory dump. The second submission worked!)

Okay, major geek points!

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That usually means you’re no longer logged in, so their session possibly ended while filling out the form (pretty sure we upped it to 30 minutes). Can you log back in and try…I see that is done. I went ahead and approved your event so its on the calendar already.

Would you add “CNC Plasma Cutter” as a fulfills requirement? I think the PlasmaCAM PC will be AD’d soon to only allow those who have had the training to log into it. In any case, we need to keep track of who took the class.


Jumping Jehoshaphat…thank you!!

The new event screen is excellent. It looks professional and has all the information one might want on it. Kudos to the you and the other designers.

Created, linked to AD, and added to the class :slight_smile:


Additional feature request: add a checkbox which indicates that any class fee will go to the sponsoring committee. The instructor will not be receiving any funds (and won’t need a W-9 on file).

This is appropriate for classes like the PlasmaCAM (Metal Shop) training and the Michigan Mighty Mite Radio (Amateur Radio/Electronics) build classes.


This feature already exists.