Looking to create a sheet metal fabrication 101 class

That would be great. I’ve managed to use both the shear and brake and still have all finger parts.

Have wanted to do things like metal bins/drawers so would love a project/101 class.

I’d be interested. I’ve been trained on / used the shear but I admit I can’t use it alone.

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sign me up please. An English wheel class(if we had one) would be cool.

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I will get the class info in to commity for review and then we can go from there. I have most of everything drawn up. There will also be a safety section to the class also.


I think this would be a great addition to Metal Shop’s repertoire.
Are you planning to attend Metal Shop’s Monthly meeting on Saturday?
This would be a good time to get other’s opinions in person, I should think. Acting chair @hon1nbo Jim Hartnett would be the person to ask about a place on the agenda.

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Yes i was I will bring what I have written up

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It can be presented as a new item for discussion. I’m sure people will be
up for it. Of course you can always teach a class, but standardizing basic
classes is an item on the agenda.


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I’d be interested in learning to use these tools.

I would be interested in this class. Especially the English Wheel and slip roll part.

We do also have a Shrinker/Stretcher.


That can be included in another class. Like 102 or 103

@TBJK put on a good class (https://calendar.dallasmakerspace.org/events/view/2264) - are we reworking that or is this something new or ?

No question though, I appreciate your offer to teach!

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Im wanting to show what yiu can make and the safety of the machines. As all 3 can seriously hurt you if you are not careful. Shear alone can crush toes and fingers. The brake can pinch and the slip roll can pull metal through your hands like a paper cut and also crush fingers and pinch. Also the metal type and thickness is very important too. If you have to over work the machine then you are asking to much from it and can hurt you and others and ultimately damage the machine.


I think we all should get together and talk about it and see what we can come up with.

Very similar to what I’ve taugh in the past. In the training slides I mentioned that you have to be careful with sheet metal. Recommend cut resistant gloves & potentially sleeves. If its not respected then it can be a life altering event.


Definitely interested in a class like this!

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Count me in—this would be very helpful for a project I am about to begin.

Absolutely interested!

Add me to the list also