Holy cow, people. The 3D printers are _not_ trash cans

lol… not sure if that would work either but I like the effort and where we’re going here…

I know a few tour guides, including myself, have pointed out that its everyone’s responsibility to keep the place cleen so maybe actually including that as part of a standard of the tour and if anyone wants to give a tour they have taken the class which teaches that standard tour?

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At one time there was a discussion about having a “Mess Makers Wall of Shame”. Take still frames from the video and post. The guilty are given a choice of being put on “Clean up Patrol” for 30 days or banned from the committee area for 30 days. The number goes up for repeat offenders/slow learners. This approach has been discouraged - and hence the on going problem.

The psychotic results of this could be rather amusing.:open_mouth:

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Trash on the floor, yes. Don’t forget that we pay a cleaning lady, and she’s here Monday through Friday, and she empties the trash. So, I personally would only mess with the trash if it’s Friday night, Saturday, or Sunday early-ish. Just sayin’…

That pesky due process!

Shouldn’t there be an orientation required when someone joins. It won’t work miracles, but seems everyone should know what’s expected. Or is it expected?


3 posts were split to a new topic: Public Service Announcements

Well, I was trying to reach some of the leadership in 3D Fab and specifically asked if I could create and put a sticker on the 3D printers to discourage this practice. There’s a perfect wide, flat area right at the front of the printers (right around where I took this photo).
But no one from 3D Fab leadership has posted a reply. It hasn’t been 24 hours yet, so maybe they’ve been busy elsewhere.

You gotta click your heels together 3 times and say @Team_3D_Fab b if you want to tag the committee

That’s what I’ve been passively advocating for a few years now. That dms and we as a community hold an orientation class. ATXHS and Milwaukee Makerspace did this with great success:

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When I come to 3d fab I clean the printers out and clean the room up, its Everyone’s responsibility to clean up after themselves and keep the room clean, If you see a mess clean it up, if you see someone making a mess say something or report them to 3d fab.


These are now included in the 3D Fab monitor’s slideshow.
Of our 1800 members, so few are on Talk as to be statistically insignificant.
The committee monitors are a terrific way to share your values with the audience that matters: your users.
In Laser, when an urgent issue arises, I replace the typical slideshow with only “public service announcements” for a week or longer.

EDIT: of course, the 3D Fab committee can remove these slides at anytime or ask me to do so now. No hard feelings. Just trying to give you options.


shoot. tried my first splitting of topic and it kind of failed. Please bear with me…


done and added to our slides


Yay! Thanks Stephenie and Axeonos!

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Add this one?


Now I’m really confused, I don’t see a bear with you.

Hey, yeah I think if the 3d printing space had a brush and pan to SPECIFICALLY clean 3d printers. And for the brush and pan to say in capital letters: PLEASE CLEAN THE 3D PRINTERS AFTER USING THEM.

People will start cleaning them. And the real issue is that, when one person leaves trash it looks like that’s just what you’re supposed to do. Because why else is there that empty space at the bottom of the 3d printer

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Would something like this be helpful in 3D-Fab?


There’s already a vacuum in 3D Fab. There didn’t used to be, but it’s been in there for a few months.

Where? I’ve been using the 3d printing room like every day for the past month and i’ve never seen it. We can’t just put something in a corner and assume people are going to look for it. It has to be stupidly obvious. with a big sign saying use me.