Hello Ya'll I'm a New Guy Looking for an EM pinball starter project

Hi Vector. Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Jeremy. I am a new member to DMS. I spent some time with the Nicks a couple of weeks back at the open house and I am looking to start a new pinball restoration project (and use the woodshop). Based on the recommendation from the Nicks I am looking for an older EM machine to get my feet wet. I am willing to drive and look at machines so if you know of anything please post. I am excited to meet everyone. See you around

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Great to see you posting, we actually have a thread of cheap machines now.

Cheap Pinball Finds

Not sure it the first two machines are still available, but @nickdangerous just posted a new machine that is in Denton, called Fun Fest. He posted links to the seller, and I posted a video of one playing. It seems like a lively and pretty machine.

Hi Nick,

I will be keeping an eye on the cheap finds post. I am only so-so on the fun fest. I think I am looking for a little more color in my game. And I am willing to pay a little more if I have to. I have a rough list of games I would like to find - we discussed many of them when I was there the other night - so I am going to try and see if I can find one of those first. I know that’s being a little picky and that may change but that’s where I am going to start. Rough list of games includes: Joker Poker, Paradise, Fireball, Centigrade 37, & Cover Girl. What you think?

I agree, all those titles are worth holding out for. :yum: Those are some of the greatest EMS I’ve played. Cover Girls is just strait beautiful, same with paradise. @nickdangerous make sure you add these to your trackers.

I said as much to Jeremy via email. His selections are top-notch and easily among the best. Heck, at least two of them are on my personal hotlist! But… I shall be generous and share. :smile:


Given your experience do you think I might have some better luck with these
games next month as the festival comes around?

Oh definitely. TPF is by far the easiest way to acquire games. No shipping fees and what you see is what you get.

Supposedly there are a number of “truck vultures” who monitor the unloading of every game and make offers on the spot. Truth be told, it’s not a bad strategy.

The Saturday morning swap meet is also a good place to find projects. As always, early bird gets the worm.

In the meantime I’ll keep floating potential projects in the cheap finds thread.

FYI in the meantime there is a Surf Champ in OK for $300 which would have made it on the list, but the right side of the playfield looks pretty worn. I’d ask for better pics. Seller says it won’t reset which is the biggest unknown but generally (especially with 4-player games) the issue is in one of the score reel switches. It’s a great player with good artwork and quite desirable when fixed up. http://tulsa.craigslist.org/vgm/4884101052.html

Also, on that Surf Champ, the two slingshot plastics are missing. I’d ask if they are present (and get photos) or take at least $25 off.

I’d offer $200 and let it go if they push back. Use the drive as your bargaining chip. If you think it needs to be picked up quick, I have some friends in Tulsa that might be able to help.