Getting Buy In for MIBS SRC3

Continuing the discussion from Upcoming Project Classes:

Not ONLY in the linked context, but I think the MIBS SRC3 is a lovely idea, and according to our Meetings pages, is the format for all of our meetings. However, you’ll notice it is, roughly NOT. Instead, everyone holds everything for the “in person” meeting. How can we get people to discuss using the myriad other methods, so when we show up to a meeting it’s largely a consensus “vote” (or “recommendation”) and we all go home early?
Again, I am sure DMS has struggled with this since…inception, and seems to be getting nowhere, so what hope is there for other organizations, but I’d love to hear from anyone who wants to weight in.

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I think posting a thread on TALK can be very helpful… Sometimes it drags out some; but, at least a lot of the details can be hashed out prior to the meeting. If someone had a topic on TALK that they wanted to get maximum feedback from, they could post a flier on the bulletin board near the lobby advising that there is an active online conversation regarding the agenda item (along with a link and/or QR code to make it easier for members who do not use TALK as much to locate the thread…).

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