DMS Annual Picnic planning discussion - for '18

Below I will put all make and manner of planning concerning the DMS annual picnic for '18.
A planning meeting will take place Feb 1st 5:30p in the Purple classroom if you can attend.
After that meeting, we will lock down the date and have more information to share.
It should be a good time for all.
Right now this is just a seat holder.


Ok just called the city and Mary Head Park is open in April. According to last years poll, the majority of people wanted to have the picnic in April. Please vote on a date. I’m hoping to put down the deposit for the picnic this week. All the dates are for a Saturday and would be in mid-afternoon to late evening. The city has a rain policy. Mary Heads park is the park that we had it at last year. I believe it fits us really well. Mind you the family/birthday party that was with us under the pavilion was the city’s mistake and we would have the entire place to ourselves. I wasn’t going to kick them out nor were we going to get kicked out (as a result we both received refunds for the rental).

  • April 14
  • April 21
  • April 28

0 voters

Last night: @Photomancer @Adam_Oas @mreynolds all converged on the Boston cream pie to help plan the picnic. We talked about last years picnic, read the rehash thread that was discussed, ate some frozen pie and made crude jokes. Here are the condensed notes from the meeting:

Mark created a Wiki for us to put notes and such:

Date: April 21st (won’t be official till we put down $ to lock in date)
Time: 11-5pm lunch to start at 1p and snacks to remain open (again, we need to sign up a contract and put down $) Note- extended hours.
Place: Mary Heads Park
Food: Order Meat again at Dickies *he’s willing to help us out again and we all the bring sides. A concern was brought up about having an abundance of food - we all decided is’t actually awesome and not to dictate any of that.

Food notes:
Early sign up sheet for food
Make indicators of where to put food on tables to help with organization
Coolers/tubs for ice *Ask people to bring
Specific place for all the drinks
Bring extra tables to help with setup
Need a food person to help organize food.
Use the large coolers for just water
Ask someone to grill up some hotdogs for kids (we buy hotdogs) also hotdog eating contest @TBJK would you be our grill man?
Anyone want to help with organizing the food?

Silent Auction notes:
Have an auctioneer (Adam) live auction some of the more “fun” items approx 10 things possibly with paddles
nobody wants to help gather things but everyone seems to think I’m doing great at it (grumble)
No to the online auction - confusing
Must print list of donors as thank you and publicize
Make it easier with clipboards, sign up for the auction at the “check-in” table.
Need volunteers for the day of poor Mark didn’t eat because he was dealing with it
@Robert_Davidson we will need the square day of
Bringing extra thin tables from the space to help with display
Handouts at the party detailing what is available
Anyone want to help gather items, organize items, help run it the day of?

@Nick would like to get a kite flying thing together possibly some kite making classes leading up to it @MrsMoose Chuck might be interested as well
@PearceDunlap would it be possible to borrow the big Jenga set again?
Pie smashing committee members for committee money. I’ve already asked and we have some people who are down for the challenge.
@Coul did you keep the target for the water balloons?
Croquet obstacle course - I have one set, does anyone have another we could borrow for the day?
Hot dog eating contest
Anyone have items to contribute, want to help with kite classes?

I’m to work with @LukeStrickland to get a list of consumables to order for the picnic and David K. is in charge of transport.
things like extra trashbags, silver, plates, stuff
I’m to sit down and come up with a schedule to see if how/if/will we do it
Need a volunteer to make the poster when we have dates and times locked in?


Thanks for the update @uglyknees.

So sorry I missed the meeting, had to deal with technical issues with new internet at house, didn’t finish setting everything up till well after 7. :frowning:

I’m super excited tat the possibility of doing some kit flying at the Picnic. Last year one member brought out a 2 line foil kite and it was a lot of fun flying it. I love kites and have a ton. Here are some of the ones I have:



And more!


Yes, I will volunteer to grill. I just double checked my on-call schedule & I should be good


If needs fire … Tim’s the guy.

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Negative. Fire pit.

It didn’t get used since Kris became the primary target for the ballon launcher.

We could do something similar to the pie in the face where people can bid for chairs to become targets. Last year we talked about chairs standing in a line and people pay per launch to target who they want

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Every year Shanna and I (art teachers) run a fundraiser called Pie in the Eye. The pies were born from that idea.

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A comment of how to reduce the over abundance of sides, suggest that folks bring sides
for a set number like 6 or 8 instead of trying to feed everyone, This is real important for
folks bring things like deli potato salad My hubby and I ate on the 5 lb tub we bought for a week
If you feel that a 1 pound container isn t enough then choose another small tub of something else

Now if you want to bring enough of your famous triple chocolate bacon cheesecake or what ever your
specialty is that ALL your friends can sample it, then bring as much as you want to

It s the commercial items that we can go skimpy on

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I admit to not knowing what I volunteered to do but I’m totally down for it. Between VASE season and brand new floors I’M behind in space happening but am quite stoked we are doing it again! I’ll look for some of our lawn games from the wedding and see if they haven’t been turned into something else yet

Don’t overbite - Nick mentioned you might be down to teach people how to make kites.

PS - VASE can kiss it right now. Flower Mound is only taking 4 kids in protest - oh the DRAMA of that contest. Are we together now in our division? It’s not a good showing by my ceramics kids this year - they are all failing so I’m only able to take some - talk to you in person about it.


I’m just going to throw this out into the space:
If anyone wants to additionally contribute to the picnic I’ve created an amazon wishlist - it will be automatically sent to DMS when purchased and marked for the picnic.

I still haven’t had time to go lock down the agreement with the city - my hope is to get that done Thursday.

Just picked three random things.

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Need to get the hotdogs at Sam’s or Costco - there’s a $29.50 shipping charge. Makes them $70 for 40 dogs … only 2 oz each. same for buns. I’ll be responsible for getting and bringing them. How many, say 72-96? (multiples of 12)

Disclaimer: This is self-serving, I’ll know they are beef and not pagan fare! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oh snap I didn’t catch that. I’ll delete them.
I would say 96 if we are doing a hot dog eating contest along with the hotdogs for kids.

I killed the buns too. Probably much cheaper at Sam’s or Costco.

80 hot dogs $24.
72 buns = $11
Relish pack $9

Total $44.

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If doing hot dog eating - will get some more. These aren’t high cost. For hot dog eating event, need crock pot vs grilled. That way they are nice and plump and juicy so they go down easier.


get @LukeStrickland to put down the CC for them (along with the longer list of things) thats a MUCH better price point

Thank you to @Photomancer who is sponsoring the waterballons for the picnic!

@Coul do you think @Team_Digital_Media could rig up a photobooth of some sort?