Any update on buying Thunderlasers?

If the other MakerSpace can’t take it by when we get the new ones, then can’t we sell it now?

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I work with the North RIchland Hills Public Library, one of the founders of the built-in Makerspace (called The Makerspot) , and we are looking for a laser cutter for our space. I can get the Director of the Library in touch with ya’ll asap!


Not my call. :blankspace:


We might be a bit early in the process to make that call, but I would think we’re at a point to start making decisions.

I just don’t want you guys to be hot and heavy with moving forward if the space isnt.

Always good to know interested parties.

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Since most of these competitions are about building and shooting, I’d question the value of shooting the same one again every year. Couple that with the expense of storing it, the uncertain future of the event, and a shortage of storage space, and I think the answer here is pretty clear. The very last thing we need to be doing is hoarding broken junk.

If another competition happens, we make another one. Making is what we do


I could not disagree more with the vast majority of this sentiment.
However, once multiple board members have pulled their support for a particular tool, device, project, call-it-what-you-may, we can usually kiss it goodbye. :crying_cat_face:
I’ll leave this fight to the active trebuchet folks, who were actually working toward this year’s slingfest culmination. I haven’t the time.

If we’re considering opening up the lasersaur up for bids, then do the same for for the trebuchet.
Let someone buy it and take it home. Space will then open up.


Slingfest 2017 isn’t happening:

As such, we would be storing Peggy for another year and hoping that there are some interested volunteers by then.

If we’re still renting two storage units and trailer parking for the foreseeable future, it seems like should we have more than adequate space to store it. However, I’m not as in tune with those happenings nor future plans as I once was.


Nice! Thanks for the update. Any details on when they’ll ship. Are they both in stock or being built? Which models did we order?h

On Discord Melissa said: Nova35s, has a 2x3ft bed

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Ahhh…Discord, our official DMS platform for important communications.

That seems unfortunate since it means even 1/2 half of a standard sheet of 4’ x 8’ material won’t fit without further trimming. In fact, according to the technical specs for the Nova35 on T/L website, the work area/ed is actually smaller than that at = 900x600mm (35.4″ x 23.6″). Maybe they are wrong?


I typically see Thunder users cutting pieces that are smaller than the 'Saur envelope, thus the capabilities of the Nova 63 are being a tad underutilized.

Yep, me too…but I also see lots of pieces that are bigger than the 35’s bed size being cut as well. As I said, it’s unfortunate, since I bet we could have figured out a way to fund and fit a 51 in place of one of the 35s

The '63 Thunder will probably see less intensive use with the smaller '35s shouldering the bulk of the load, thus users with 48" wide material may have it easy arranging for laser time.

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This has been discussed at laser committee meetings multiple times. You act as if no thought has been put into this. Not cool.


Will the smaller Thunder Lasers support rotary attachment used for etching tumbers? I forget what it’s actually called, sorry.


Has it? Where are the meeting minutes or notes so the broader DMS membership can be informed and understand what is going on?

No I didn’t. I commented that it is unfortunate one of them isn’t bigger and that there might have been a way to accommodate the next model size up. You misrepresented what I said…NOT COOL!!

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Can you private message me? You left the last night before I came back from the printer and I wanted to talk to you about inkscape.

Just wondering the wattage for the new lasers?

Thunder Nova 35 with 130 watt tubes