Another honorarium clarification

Continuing the discussion from Shapeoko training 2016:

Just to clarify, it is an honorarium class, even if you the teacher doesn’t want to receive the honorarium. That is why it is 72 hours. For a class where no honoraium is being generated (for teacher OR committee), then it is treated like an event and is only 48 hours.


Awesome clarification!

Great clarification. I’d like to see the rules incorporate language like,

“The hosting member’s portion of the honorarium can be designated to a committee, in addition to the committee’s original share” so that it is more evident that it is still an honorarium-generating class.

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As a curiosity, if an instructor designates his/her portion of the honorarium to go to the committee, is that considered a “donation” (in the IRS/tax parlance)?


David addressed this in a board meeting. The short answer is no. This is why we have the system set this way. If it was a donation, then technically it is first your income, which would require us to collect a W-9 and then you would have to claim the donation.

This way it is only an internal booking issue for DMS.

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OK, thanks. I understand. I was just curious.