9.22 status of 3d printers?

two printers have been down past few days~ anyone there than could give me a status before i drive an hr?

Printers are working fine,but that does not mean one will be available when you get here.

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yeahyeah i dont nesisarrily expect them to be open i was just curious if its the same two broken/working and if itll be a clustermess of ppl

or if all 4 were going and usable !_! thanks for the fast reply :slight_smile:

LiftCam has turned out to be a rousing success. Can the same be done for the 3D printers? Anyone up to the challenge?

Heck, if you could scrape the screens of the four Octoprint servers and put them on a external web page, that’s all you’d need. No need for a camera, really.


A 3DFabCam set up the same as the LiftCam (very low resolution still images viewable from from outside of the 'Space) is totally doable with very little effort; however, it would have to be the current Chairperson’s call. If @axeonos wants to have it set up, she can open a ticket to request it.

As far as seeing the current status of the print jobs, it had been working - without the cameras - for several months; but, recently went down due to the switch from Banana Pi’s to Raspberry Pi’s… It should not be difficult at all for me to update the API info for them to get the status of the prints working again. I will look into it sometime over the next day or so, and when I get it working again, I’ll go ahead and configure the website to be viewable via the external Internet again like it used to be minus the camera feed - which will have to wait until @themitch22 gets the cameras working again…


Far Lefty was taken to the shop for a bad bed heater.

The new Logitech C270 cameras work perfectly with Octoprint, I mounted one on Far Lefty to test, so now it’s just installing the remaining ones, I can do that tomorrow night when I’m at the space. Lisa can update the site with the new URL’s and API keys like she said. I would like to help make the site a little easier to view and read but it should be publicly available pretty soon.

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The External site to view the current Status of the 3D Printers is accessible again.

Please note: You will only be able to see the status of the current print job - NOT the cameras (until they have been replaced); and, there is never any guarantee that a printer will be available by the time you get to the 3D Fab Room - they often have queues and stay pretty busy!

withdraw request.