You have been logged!

I’d like to appeal but I’m going out of town for a wedding on weds and won’t be back until late Tuesday. And with my next craft fair coming up that Saturday. So I’m effectively hosed now.

I still feel there is something that you might be able to work out that will allow you to keep working in the woodshop. You’ll have to take the initiative on it, though.


This is true. I’ve already reached out to the woodshop committee to see what I can do about this.


As mentioned in the message you received, you are banned for 15 days or until you retake woodshop basics.

There is a class tomorrow at 7:00 pm, I suggest you show up as a stand by. If you complete that you will regain access to the woodshop.

We are on the edge of being shutdown by the Fire Marshall and ANY mess will not be tolerated… Push has come to shove.


Alright, I’ll be there. Thanks for letting me know.