You have been logged!

This is not cool. I’ve come in to do some work, but first I have to clean up your mess you left for me. It’s MDF dust. I don’t care if was 4am, you clean up after yourself. You have been logged as the last person using the Multicam and your scraps made from MDF are to be seen around the table.

I will from now on always post the last know user of the MultiCam who leaves a mess for me to clean up. Plus pictures. You are the first. You should not be allowed to use this machine if you are such a slop.

When I see you next, I will be pissed off at you and let you know it.



And it doesn’t matter if you found it that way when YOU used it.

Like Kee does, leave the area cleaner than when you found it. It’s the right thing to do.


Banhammer times twenty


That guy left a similar mess Friday morning I had to clean up before using the multicam.


Perhaps he should lose MultiCam privileges until he has a chat with the Woodshop Chair. @Azalaket


I checked the video and no one else used the MultiCam between when this guy left and Kee showed up the next day after 5PM.


I cross checked the logs. It’s the same person.


Please PM me the name of the user seen in his picture.

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I’ve sent you his info.


Talking to the person first is preferred. Tell him not to be a dick. Ban hammer is the last resort.


…depends on…

Would you mind also checking Active Directory to ensure he has taken the MultiCam class?

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How else would he have access? It’s one of the 2 tools we have locked down

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For a few weeks, when I have checked, the lockbox door has not been working. When I was there Friday the lockbox door was not working.

I assume the lockbox door is still not working and that there is no interlock with the network access feature on the MultiCam.

He has both Woodshop Basics and VCarve Users AD groups.

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Hey all, I’m just now seeing this thread after a brutal weekend.

I’d like to start by apologizing to @fedakkee and @mjones1607 for leaving a mess for you to clean up. That is not my normal behavior and I was extremely sloppy due to a massive deadline I had.

If you’ve seen me at work on the laser or any other part of the shop then you know I clean up after myself when I am finished up.

Once again I’d like to apologize to everyone for leaving such a mess and I won’t let it happen again.


Would be a great gesture of good will/faith to help with the cleanup efforts in Woodshop, or to empty the chip bins etc. next time you are there.

When we cut panels for the Speederbike for the 501st on the multicam, I emptied every chip bin, the big shopvac, and the dust collector for the CNC, even though a lot of the stuff I was cleaning wasn’t affected. I figured I owed it to the space cause I was cutting for 6-8 hours.


If everyone took on this mentality, clean/empty one more thing than you touched, we’d never have another problem. I wish idealism intersected with reality more often.


I’d be happy to do that but I’m now on a 15 day ban from the woodshop and will apparently be kicked out of DMS entirely if I do anything in it during that time frame. So it’ll be a bit before I even set foot into the shop again.


You do have the right to appeal that ban at this Friday’s BoD meeting. You can add it to the agenda on the wiki.



Would he be able to go into woodshop and clean during his 15 day ban to help pay penance?

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I am sure I don’t know certain details involved, but I am willing to bet dollars to dognuts that if you offer to do some serious “community service” in the woodshop, e.g. you offer to come in and check/empty the two dust barrels and blow out the filters once a day for those 15 days instead, maybe you can be re-instated, or have suspension lifted or whatever that would be called?

If nothing else, I am sure it is clear to anyone reading these threads that dust, and cleaning up, and leaving the 'Space at least No Worse than you found it is a serious issue in the woodshop, and is clearly being taken seriously.