You guys aren't alone when it comes to grinder wheels

this is the shape our resident idiot at work left the grinding wheel in (not to mention our deburr wheel on the other side).
In most shops you’d get fired for this but I guess he’s got pictures of the boss fuc*ing a donkey or something.
Anyway totally worthless now. and he’ll be the first to complain that we need a new grinding wheel.



What the hell was he doing to make that shape?

no telling. he abuses every tool he touches. Best guess was rounding something.
And as you know, you must put all your weight into it when grinding.

Maybe he was trying to make/hack a pulley?

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can you believe this was flagged?

anyway, the message that idjits (I had to spell it that way so that idiots aren’t insulted and will flag this) are everywhere has been lost.

Effing a donkey was flagged, not the picture…

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


wait. it just occurred to me that you too are using language and spelling that could be interpreted and/or read the same as fuc*ing a donkey. you should be censored and ostracized and your post hidden. No, just kidding. Your fine. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

called it.
feel free to lock it down.

Nick, perhaps some history of the word would help folks understand that the meaning of the word can be quite different depending on how it’s used.

It is a form grinder, for sharpening his form tool. :rofl:

@nicksilva might you be over reacting a bit by claiming someone should lose their job over the wearing out a $9 grinding wheel?

Seems like a better chance for a bit of learning rather than flaming the guy and demanding his livelyhood be challenged.

You are always the welcome voice of reason. Thank goodness you are here to help us understand things better and guide us to being better people!! You truly are the best of us. :heavy_heart_exclamation:

seeing how you have zero reference of working in machine shops your opinion really holds no merit.
If you read the rest, I do state this particular person has zero respect for the owners tools and leaves them in this same shape. Anyone else in any other machine shop would be fired. this guy isn’t going to learn anything when he already thinks he knows everything. But I leave his desposition between him, his boss. The rest of us there have had enough and will happily leave him with his chosen one.

The thread is about the idiocy we see in how people treat grinding wheels. something metal shop has lots of experience in.

It seems that you may be over stating things based on being angry at this person. Good luck with your issues at work.

and how exactly would you know that since you don’t know or work with him? without knowing him, I’m betting most people in the metal shop probably saw this and reacted to his handywork with a “yeah, he’s an ass” based on finding ours this this state or worse. kumbaya. kumbaya.

A good grinding wheel is like 40$+ as we have found out.

It’s the “I don’t give a rat’s ass” attitude that’s a problem. That behavior is infectious. Regardless you should take good care of the equipment if you paid for it or someone else did.


Talking about moderating Talk in a Board Meeting @nicksilva said

I’m not sure you’re going to want to hear this but I have three comments
is this what we want to endure?
That’s it. Bottom line. It’s a yes or no question.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

This was going to be my 10x10 … haha


That’s a YES. because the outcome of that meeting was that nothing changed as far as moderation on TALK. therefore the point was exactly to make the point that that type of language is perfectly fine thru out talk. I knew what I was doing since the meeting minutes/video/audio is a part of the DMS and public record. And so yes, the public at large knows it is ok to do that, and it has endured. and will continue to endure until real change is made and not this ambiguous ‘be excellent’ fluffy bullshit that steers the ship.
Oh and since is a public category you too have helped to reiterate it to the public with your post.

But again, back to the point - what do you think of people that leave the equipment in that condition? whether here or elsewhere?

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as Tim pointed out, decent grinding wheels are about $40, not $9.

Additionally abused grinding wheels are liable to explode on the next person using it if cracked, loaded, or off balanced, so there’s that.