X-carve cnc questions

Any updates on when there might be classes popping up to get signed off on the x-carve cnc? Are there going to be any prerequisites in order to be able to take the class? Or is there anything I could be doing now to be better prepared for the class? Any info would be much appreciated. I have a few projects coming up that it would really come in handy for. Thanks

We are gong to try to keep the hurdles very low. If we experience a frequent issue then we will explore further training.

We are targeting to begin classes within the next three weeks.

Watch all the Easel videos you can. The software is web based and should run on Windows, Linux, and OSX. You can sign-up for a free license here:


That sounds perfect. Thanks for the info. I’m looking forward to it

Can Vcarve be used on the Xcarve system or must I learn the easle application.

The xcarve is run by the Easel software as its g code sender but can use g code tool paths generated by v carve or any other program . Easel is super easy to use .

Advanced users could theoretically use a universal g code sender instead of easel, but the only sender interface in the attached computer is easel via the web. It is very easy to learn and use, whether as a design/cam tool or as a g code sender . There are good reasons to use easel because of the a probing cycle and other machine configuration tasks that are baked in to the easel start up procedure .

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If you are proficient in Vcarve you can learn Easel in 30 minutes. When you begin to deviate from the factory tool chain when using a tool like the x-carve you are just asking for trouble.

It’s been three weeks. Any updates on X-carve classes?


Any updates on this? I tried searching and couldn’t find anything.

SWA has asked me about this, but it’ll be probably mid-December before I get it down enough to teach it.

The currently published material can be found at X-Carve CNC Station - Woodshop - DMS Source

These rules are subject to change.

We almost have the user workflow completed. In the mean time, learn the free software.


Inventables is running a Black Friday deal on Easley Pro long term subscriptions. Check out their web site