After last week’s get together and some discussion, I’ve updated the event description as follows:
Are you interested in writing? Our group tries to meet twice a month on Wednesday @ 6:30 PM.
If you attend please bring a 600< word short segment for critiquing. Bring 5 copies, 12 pt Times Roman (one copy in 20 point please), 1" margins, double spaced.
_Format is: we take 10-15 minutes to read and mark writer’s copy. Then critique verbally and returned marked copies to author. _
Critiquing will be constructive, if you are inclined towards snark, please find another group.
Goal is 2 hour sessions.
Class size was set to 10 (this optimistic, when we get that many twice we’ll need a different room).
Hope more writers attend, so far the group has been very on point with critiques, some pointed but constructive and supportive. Some great ideas and suggestions have been received. We aren’t trying to change the writer’s voice, it is your work.