Wouldn't it be cool if we made

I have just shy of 80 acres out north of Abilene.


Wouldn’t it be cool if we made … a shot like this during open house …

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Actually I figured out our three axis cell phone camera gimbal in Digital Media over the weekend. Not quite that fancy, but will be doing some shooting during events.


Yeah, I think we almost would have to shut down the space or do it in the wee hours and pre-plan it with the makers showing off their creations in different areas … I think it would come out amazing and really show off the space and the people of the space …

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I’m only backing it it if we have movable walls at the drop of a dime.


@StanSimmons … can we have movable walls like in the video above?

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Compressed Earth Block is pretty cool. Most of the soil in the world can be used (just no topsoil and not too much sand or clay). It is a very common building material in remote areas where mud and adobe are unsuitable due to humidity and rainfall.