I was wondering if anyone would be available Friday July 15 in the afternoon to go over the basics of the woodshop with me. I have a good working understanding of band, table and miter saws already so I’m not green. Don’t need lathe or router training. Thanks!
We teach a class called “Woodshop Basics” that is a requirement for using the power tools in the woodshop. These are usually taught on Sundays and Wednesdays. we also teach Lathe Basics, and Introduction to the CNC router, in order to use those tools as well. Sign up for the class, and you might want to try showing up standby, in case the instructor has room.
Look forward to seeing you in a class soon…
Thank you Brian. Are you one of the instructors of the basics class?
Yes I am. The woodshop has several instructors for this class however.
Is there a specific class for the Incra Router? I’m asking because I would like to know more about using it, not because I’m asking if you have to be “checked off” to use the tool.
Okay. I have taken the CNC router class already, though I have yet to make a piece to get certified on it. I’ve looked at the schedule and there does not appear to be a basics class for several more weeks. I saw the shop will be out of commission next weekend, so obviously the class won’t be taught then. I tried to sign up for the last one but it was full, and I can’t drive to Carrollton on the hope that there will be space for me in an already full class. The drive is a bit too far. I respect the system in place, I was simply hoping that one of the instructors of the class might also be free this afternoon to go over some of the basics with me; a hail-mary request if you will. If not, then maybe someone will be there this afternoon that could help me with my project. I need to do some belt sanding to a piece.
I too would like to get some training in the afternoon sometime soon. I only see that there is only one Woodshop Basics class being taught in the afternoon in August and registration is already closed.
Would it be possible to get more afternoon classes taught? I work nights and also work Sunday mornings, so I don’t really have a chance to go to many of the scheduled classes.
I could be there tomorrow at 11am if there is room left in tomorrow’s class
Just saw your post Tapper. Tomorrow’s class is 7pm not an afternoon class… Any options for someone who works nights and Sunday mornings?
I can post a class for the day time next week assuming we have at least three people show up.
That would be awesome! A big help for me. Hopefully, some more people will be interested in an afternoon woodshop basics class. I’ll be out of town for work Wednesday 10th- Friday 12th next week. Sorry if i’m being a pain in the ass on scheduling.
Not sure how your schedule is working, but I’m free every morning/afternoon till about 1:30 the week of the 15th.