Woodshop temperature

Freddy, most people have stopped listening to you after you threatened to call the police on Mark for leaving the woodshop doors open because it was too hot.

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Let’s get the situation correct. Since you would like to bring it up. Mark made threats to shut down the woodshop if he didnt get his way. After repeated explanations that Mark lacked the ability to shutdown the woodshop on his whim. Mark escalated and made threats to sue so as he stated " I could no longer be an officer". Anytime someone goes down that path it’s time for them to leave. Mark refused. There are plenty of witnesses to this. No one need take your half truth to heart.

So Kris, wanna tell everyone again how I’m the bad guy here?

Everyone in the common room saw what happened that day. Shutting down a room that was unsafe to use is within a chairs right.

Edited to add:
Rules are not more important than the safety of the people at the space.

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That room was most definitely not unsafe. It was warm. But not unsafe. You act as if people have no legs or are required to stay in there. You get warm, you take a break. Just like any normal human would at home on their garage with no air conditioning. We are not an employer and members are not employees. Same way with people outdoors blacksmithing. Let me guess they are unsafe as well? You know, while standing in front of a forge with red hot steel.

I was there and heard Mark swearing and making threats. Also Freddy and I went to buy filters for the A/C to fix the problem. It wasn’t difficult. There is no reason this should have gone on for days or that there had to be threats to shut the woodshop down.


Also this seems to be turning into personal attacks against two of our volunteers, Mark and Freddy @Team_Moderators

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Julie I also told you that one of the older men in the shop had to leave early the day before because of the heat. The woodshop has to change the filters several times a month on top of the people we hire to do that. What does the space do to help that? I can tell you I’ve been in the roof several times to do it myself.

What other committee is asked to do that?

No one needed to be put in a dangerous situation due to the heat - the filters just needed to be changed. It seems odd to put people in this situation and threaten to shut down the wood shop instead of just going out and buying filters. More time was spent on drama than just going out and buying filters. Freddy is also working on the heat issues with wood shop.

We are working to resolve the issues with wood shop as quickly as we can but remember that people work in their garages all of the time. Please stop using this to cause drama, I’m not falling for it.


There are some very direct technical issues around all of this puzzle of Woodshop dust and air conditioning performance. In my opinion much of the discord and frustration on this is because of a misunderstanding of what is happening technically. I have an appointment with Jim at two today and one of the things I’m going to review with him is my understanding of what is happening technically in woodshop. I came out of the process industry I have a lot of background in thermodynamics and airflow refrigeration Real world experience. if anyone else wants to join Jim and I to at least hear my ideas and my opinions as to what is actually happening, you are welcome to join … you just need to show up at makerspace and find us at 2 today.


Yup, and if it’s 103° in their garage the simplest immediate solution is to OPEN THE FREAKING DOOR!!!

I told you I tried going to 3 different places that day to buy filters. 2 didn’t have them and one was closed. That’s why my first statement was “If you can find some filters, I will be happy to go replace them, otherwise the doors stay open.”, followed by “End of discussion.”

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I was there - you did threaten to close the woodshop and you threatened to sue. I hate seeing this between two volunteers and hope we can move forward and work on a solution for wood shop together.

Ok, so this is no longer about honorarium. While I sift through this mess to separate out what from what, please go start a new thread about woodshop heat.


i don’t agree with Infratructure chair being an “Officer”, but since that is the case, such authority should requirie a corresponding level of skill in resolving, rather than escalating, conflicts.


I was in the common room on Saturday the 3rd and recall hearing you mention closing down the woodshop when you were told that the doors had to remain closed.

FWIW, opening the doors introduces more dust into the rest of the workshop, so I agree, I would rather shut down the woodshop than leave the doors open.

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But opening the garage door does not spread your problems into your neighbors homes. Unlike woodshop. Lots of claims of how the Felder has improved air quality and it may have but still does not reduce the spread of sawdust around your neighboring committees.

I emptied you cash box with our bookkeeper on Thursday. Here is a picture of your cash box after having cleaned it 5 days prior. I started to blow the dust off but thought it would better answer Bert’s question about dust levels.



I have several witnesses who would disagree. I never once said anything about closing the woodshop, and it’s still not an option in my mind.
Furthermore, my statement about filing charges was not a threat, it was a promise. If you or any other person of influence at the space THREATEN to call the police and have them remove me because I put the health and safety of the members before the bottom line, I PROMISE I will file reckless endangerment charges and have you removed from your position of influence.

I understand the need for leadership cohesion, but not to the point of lying to support someone who was so clearly in the wrong.

Being an officer does not a leader make (that is quite obvious). Being an officer does not mean they have authority in how DMS is run, other than the new President for which the duties have been laid out, and the board ONLY in the confines of a board meeting. . He needs to go.


Leave it to an " officer of the corporation " to use a picture of an area not serviced by the Felder and nowhere near the area being discussed. More manipulation. Am I the only one who is getting sick of this? The tombstone is nowhere near the Felder or the doors that the committee wants removed. It is however, near the sanding station where people still regularly use the sanders without dust collection when all the festool dust collectors are being used. Brilliant.

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Please, ask them to step forward. None of them have. In fact, Kris defended a chairs right to shutdown unsafe rooms, so if y’all want to mount a defense to this, better get on the same page.