Woodshop Talk Activity - Sawstop status

I’m relatively new to the woodshop and DMS in general. I’m a bit surprised that there isn’t more activity on Talk regarding general shop info, such as machine status. I’ve driven in several times (60 miles round trip) only to find the machine(s) I wanted to work on were down. What’s the proper protocol for reporting/reviewing machine problems - post on Talk, message the committee chair,…? I realize I should know this from my woodshop class, I guess I just need a reminder.

Anyway, in that regard, I was in over the weekend and saw that the Sawstop was down. Any update on that?


I believe the SawStop is still having issues:


The best way to determine if tools are up/down is to read the forum regularly - unfortunately, sometimes that means reading between the lines and/or making some assumptions. For example, the drum sander appears to be down as well.

We used to [still do?] have a “Tool Status” page, but it was never maintained really well - Tools Status Board - DMS

The best place to put a notice on a machine having problems is to make a post in the “Issues & Requests” category


Make sure to tag “@” Team_Woodshop in the request.

On another note - make a request for your “green dot” [will be shown next to your avatar] in the “Member Access (Green Dot)” category, it will open up the member’s only portion of the forum. Other member benefits can be found here:


Thanks for the helpful info. I can’t access the first link in your message - I suppose that’s the green dot thing. This is the first I’ve seen about the dots. I’ll see if I can get that resolved.

That is the Green Dot thing. The forums are not currently tightly integrated with the authentication system at the makerspace, so we don’t have a way to automatically mark forum users as members - hence the manual green Dot process.

I am currently actually working on a new tool report / status/maintenance website system for 3D Fab. Once it’s done I’m going to see if it’s reasonable to use it in other areas to help with things like this (also to maybe make it easier to report from right within the committee via a tablet maybe)

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