Half hearted cleaning of disc sander
Sticks and cut Plexiglas that had clumped together in the vacuum system because the Plexi was still hot enough to stick together. Was getting no suction at all on the Delta tables until I cleaned out the entire upper and lower hoses.
Thank you Paul for helping make the Space better
I was in there Saturday and sanded some PINK Dyed Elder Burl,. That looks suspiciously like what I was working with. I think that is my mess. I apologize, generally I clean up my mess but I did not this time. I will do better.
Along the same lines… I had to clear out the Sawstop table as the line was totally blocked… It starts with thin cutoffs that get about halfway down and just get stuck at the bend. Is there a way to place a grate over the bottom vents so that any large pieces get stopped just below the blade? that way if you’re cutting thin strips, it’s an easy check when you’re done to clear out the large strips. We may need to go in and scoop out the dust that has collected to the side of the blocker door under the saw.
Similarly, it might be interesting to put a similar grate on the two collection holes at the back of the miter saw.
I think we also need to start advocating during 101 to vacuum out the inside of the table saw cabinets. I try to do this when I’m in the shop as it is quick and always at least 3" deep of sawdust buildup inside the cabinet. Just a random thought.
General note: ANY time there is a significant amount dust or chips coming up/out of the table saws (or any other large tools) it means there is something wrong with the dust collection process: either correct D/C unit is not on; correct blast gate is not open; filter is clogged; too many gates on same bus are open; hose is unattached somewhere; or there is a clog/obstruction in the flow (as above).
If there is a noticeable/significant amount of dust being ejected, it is the operator’s responsibility to figure out what the issue is then and there and address it, not continue using the tool.
We should all take an example from you to make sure the user is aware of this while it is happening as well. I know I try to be cognizant of this but you mentioned it to me once before when this was occurring. Thanks for taking the initiative to make the space safer and better for us all!
lol…thanks. I am sure some people think more of me like the newspaper delivery boy on the bike chasing John Cusack around in “Better Off Dead”.
There are multiple planned upgrades for the miter station whenever I/ someone gets to it. One of the top priority is a screen or chicken wire across the holes to prevent large chunks from being sucked in and clogging the line.