Woodshop 1, 2, 3 and 4 classes

New member here. I’m looking for Woodshop 1, 2, 3 and 4 classes. The one that took place today appeared to be full, and not sure I see any in the near future? (I now understand that I can show up to full classes and hope that there will be a no-show and be accommodated.)

Thank you in advance for your patience with me. I am a new member. Looking forward to getting to know the DMS community. :grinning:

I’m about to put up next weekend’s classes. They should be on the calendar in a couple of days. Next Saturday at 12 and Sunday at 12 & 5.

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Thank you so much!:grinning:

Try your best to sign up. That’s the surest way. If they fill fast, you might try to be up here a little early. Just because a class is marked full doesn’t mean that everyone will remember to show up, and Mark can make adjustments if he knows that you’re on site and ready to go.