There were three wooden yardsticks by the cabinet where the glue and tape is stored but they are gone now. Does anyone know where they went? Thanks.
Sometimes there’s longer measuring devices or straight edges if you look at the end of the tall tables at the quilting stuff. And sometimes there s long metal yardstick with leather. And flexible tape measures with sewing. Depends on what you need it for, but those might be alternatives
Thanks. I’m just slightly frustrated that things that were there last week are suddenly gone.
I hear ya. I’ve actually experienced the exact same scenario. Exact. Same. It seems like rulers, yardsticks and the like are especially bad about disappearing on Walkabout.
Please return stuff if you borrow it, folks.
There was a wood yardstick in the ELab a while back.
Don’t think it’s still there.
Return stuff to its home people.
Has Allen been doing brake jobs again?
I keep waiting from someone on the Laser to lay out a design for rulers and yardsticks so that we can turn plywood scraps into yardsticks and never have to buy one for DMS ever again. I tried once but messed it up terribly. Need someone with better Inkscape skills than I have.
“Wood” CA like a broad, flat metal one?
It’s 2" wide, 1/8" thick, and 60" long aluminum ruler.
I hate to answer this way but I don’t know where they might have gone at this point. I apologize if you can’t find them. Good things are coming in the form of organization but it’s going to be a bit.
How about answering my offer?
sorry, yes please we will talk it.
I’ll bring it tomorrow night.
Good idea!
RULER.pdf (335.9 KB)
I made 3 rulers, first is a yard, then 18" then a foot.
I only did these in FREEDOM UNITS sound of eagle screeching
So if you need metric, I dunno, go back to France or something?
Couldn’t upload a .AI but if you open the PDF in Illustrator you should see a cut layer and an etch layer.
If I remember when I get home I can convert the file and add it to the Laser Committee folder in the Committee drive.
These designs are fantastic!
I plan to turn every piece of scrap that is of a suitable size into a ruler or yardstick. I should put a DMS logo on them.
Might consider moving the DMS logo over a 1/4" so the ruler can be cut off at 0 and butted up to something for a measurement.
I’m not sure how well calibrated the lasers are to do this kind of project accurately.
If the rulers aren’t accurate I can sell them to fishermen.
Oh man, is there a market for 16" yardsticks? We could make a killing!
It seems the design above already has the logo. Looking forward to the first batch! Thanks.