This is the first meeting of the MakerSpace Wood Turners.
Let’s discuss how to grow and improve our community, and bring all our cool makings for a solid Show and Tell to inspire and educate. Perhaps someone will volunteer to demo a technique or project.
Bring a bit of food to share, and enjoy a bit shared with great company.
Ugh, you’re putting pressure on me to make something instead of just cleaning tools! So far looks like I’ll be able to make it and with the finest tooth pick ever made in hand to show off.
John - great idea! Count me in! Would love to set up a station and begin getting people hands-on with bowl gouge…to show them its not as as scary as it sometimes seems
Carl Jacobson turns a lot of that stuff. He is a pro turner and has several videos out there. Cool stufff.
On a related note, the SWAT symposium in Waco in August is a good time. Lots of demos, booths, etc. I am definitely planning to go. Jimmie said he is going. Ya’ll should come down. Its worth it for a day trip or there are fairly inexpensive hotel options if you want to go for the weekend.
I don’t think it would be like that, I mean it’s just layers of dried auto paint it always looks like it’s just making chips. I can definitely see then issue with alabaster though, that’s like when i power carve Terra cotta, dust EVERYWHERE
I will try to make it out for this (just RSVP’d), as I believe my mothers day plans will be over by then. I just signed up yesterday and am not yet signed off on the lathe, but I do a ton of turning at home so I’ll get to the next 101 class asap.
This seems like a decent place to ask instead of.making a brand new topic, any suggestions on what finish to use on something the size of a chess piece? Something clear I think because I’m ok with the woods color and grain. I was thinking wipe on poly maybe?
finishing is topic/argument all unto itself. I’m a lacquer guy myself.
a lot of users use Cyanoacrylate (i.e. super glue) for a finish and then there is
french polish (equal parts linseed oil, alcohol, shellac) for small items.