Wood shop safety training

Are there any wood shop safety trainings scheduled this month. I was hoping to take the bandsaw training on December 20.

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I’m boosting the signal here. There aren’t any Woodshop training classes currently scheduled, so I’m going to tag @Team_Woodshop to see what they might say/do…

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hi! my boyfriend and I just joined today. We’re also both hoping for safety training. We didn’t see any open classes, so hoping that expressing more interest might help get something going! :smile: :sparkles:

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I can probably put up a class on December 18 if there would be interest.

I would definitely be interested!

I’m interested in joining and my definitely interested in woodworking class so that I can use the machines.

We can’t make the 18th, but me and 1 other are interested as well. I’m available any time through the 16th and then again from 24-27 of this month!

I might make a class on the 18th, driving back from out of town so depending on how that goes. Thank you for offering!

If we’re talking times, Im out of town on the 22nd and wont be back until after new years.

I’ve put up a class for this Wednesday at 7. Should appear on calendar in a few days @Travtastic @uwukitty @Eran_Shpigelman @jbarbera

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The only day this week I can’t is Wednesday.

I guess I’ll wait for the next one.

I have school event for my son but will catch the next one!

Just a FYI - the class has hit the calendar.


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If there are any of you who still need the Safety and Orientation class, send me a DM. I might be able to help.