Wood Panels from the lobby

Just a note that I bought one of the 2x2 panels to try and cut and it worked great. Almost got through in one pass on Donner with 35% speed and 90% power but ended up needing a second pass for all the letters to cut through.

Side note, the new clips are awesome and work better than the old metal weights.


The Laser store team @maggi, @Julie-Harris, and myself thank you for the kind words. Since the Lasers are now reasonably reliable thanks to machine team led by @got_tools, we are moving forward with the next series of committee improvements. Shortly a permanent store design will be launched with more products for members to purchase.

Note: We expect to have material grids created for each material in the store.

Thanks for the feedback!



I also am very pleased with the material at the front store.
I bought several 1x2 and used them on Donner. Was able to completely cut trough on 30mm/s and 60% power.

Results were great.

Ill definitely continue buying it in makers space.

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