A friend has purchase a new Dell XPS 15 with touch screen and had it setup with two external HDMI monitors.
He is encountering some strange and annoying behavior that he would like to turn off, but since I can’t even find what it is called I can’t do a proper google search.
When he attempts to drag a window from one screen to another, two small blue rectangles (that seem to represent the two monitors) appear at his mouse location and if he accidently releases the button on top of one it moves the current frame to that window and maximizes it.
He is an old fart like me and would like to disable this ‘helpful’ feature.
Thanks Nick, but sadly it doesn’t appear the feature he discovered is ‘Snap Assist’ I turned that off on his machine and the ‘helpful’ feature was still there.
Is the box you’re seeing like the one in this guy’s picture?
I have not experienced this.
Everything I read says the “snap” feature is the fix.
I wonder if this is a bug, or a feature?
Based on this article, it might be a feature, but even it claims it’s “snap” related…
No, it doesn’t really look like that and his machine is letting him move windows between the two monitors. It just as miniature floating versions of the two desktops that appear under his mouse, which make getting the window unresized problematic.