Hey All,
This week is the week of Gishwhes - An online photo/video scavenger hunt where you do thing just for the fun of it. Shatner has one of the most notable teams that competes and I have been asked (by a friend who is on his team) if we can help them with one of the scavenger hunt items. www.gishwhes.com
Here is the task.
"“Use aerial footage to capture you and 40 or more of your friends in a field or open space, milling about aimlessly and then, all at once, quickly aggregating to spell either “GISHWHES”, “KALE” or something more inspired with your bodies.”
So we need need at least 40 people to commit to meeting in the next couple days to complete the task. We would also need a drone operator with a camera of atleast go-pro quality. This scavenger hunt ends in 6 days so we would need to be able to commit to taking on this task today.
Heck, I’ll do it as long as I don’t have to dress up like a Klingon… or yeoman Rand… or anything that involves Rich Corinthian Leather… (you older guys… you understand!)
We need to start with a few possible times to see who can commit when. From what I have noticed, DMS has about that many people at any given time. Thursdays afternoons, because of Open House and commettee’s wanting to show potential members a good face, seem to be the time where the most people could easily gather.
BTW, what it should spell is DMS. and if we could figure it out, it should spell
I really thought there would be more interest in this. I am going to let them know they should find someone else to help out with this challenge, so we don’t hold them up.