Wiki Structure is Lacking

One of the reasons that I haven’t posted to or used the wiki very much is that I couldn’t figure out its organization. After several attempts to find it, I’m beginning to suspect that it doesn’t have any. It appears that most of the wiki’s contents are added to a flat structure, with a few links to various pages indexed on the home page, but no overall hierarchy or logical structure. It would be very easy to lose track or miss pages.

Someone should organize the wiki into a logical structure.

We are a ‘docracy’, which means that if you think it should be done, just do it.


Thank you for volunteering to clean up the Wiki. It really needs it.


I’m tempted, but I don’t want to move stuff around (assuming I could) without letting anyone know that I might. I’d find that disconcerting if someone else did it.

Well, you know what they say…

If you draft a cook, don’t complain about his cooking.

I’m not sure what you are having trouble finding. Yes it is pretty flat organizationally but It does have a search feature.

Your best Wiki Friend is the special pages table of contents.

That’s what the search function is for.

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Can’t search for something if you don’t know something about it.

How do you find additional information at the library? Or a search engine?

Not trying to belittle your point. I’m all for someone overhauling the wiki. But I’m not sure having everything in a hierarchical tree is any better than flat as long as there is search.

Some of the coolest pages are found by random search. The linked page is pretty old but it shows how much we are still on target. We need to pick up some of the ideas on it and go forth!

Doesn’t appear to me as if you were drafted as much as volunteered! :smile:

Suppose I want to find what information DMS has on a nitrogen laser. I could do a search on nitrogen or laser. Maybe I’d find many articles on fertilizer in the process, or the CO2 laser. I could search through the results, and hope that my desired results are near the top. Our set is small enough that my desired result ought to be in the search results, at least, and probably not too far down the list. But, this illustrates my point that search is not an appropriate indexing tool, even if Google got rich off it. It doesn’t actually find what you want efficiently, unless it gets lucky.

If I go into a library, I know to go to the section on lasers, instead of the section on cooking. That’s what the Dewey Decimal System is designed to facilitate.

I could create a page on my Nitrogen Laser Project, and just upload it to the wiki home page. Maybe I’d put some links on various other pages. This works if your wiki is small, but it’s like tossing your clothes on the floor. You can find what you need if the sample set is small, but it is disorganized and inefficient.

Well you could start by creating a link for the Nitrogen laser project off of the Science committee main wiki page.

This is what Categories should be used for. All pages could be properly categorized and that would help. New Categories might need to be created.


Now there is a Nitrogen Laser page under the categories Active Projects & Science Committee. Edit away.

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So how do you categorize wiki pages? Also how do you create new categories?

I just use Google Search… “nitrogen laser”

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Categories can be used to group different articles if needed but most pages don’t need a category. I think few people use categories on the wiki for the Dallas Makerspace because there’s a lack of knowledge about how to use a wiki and how they can be organized. Like pointed out already, the search function makes most of this a moot discussion. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t use search and instead clicked through a wiki to find something.

What I’m reading here is “someone else should organize the wiki” which might be a good idea but it’s not a good way to bring about change.

You can add [[Category:My Category]] to your page.

Be thoughtful with the scope of categories. Topics which have only one or two pages don’t need their own category. This has kitchen sink written all over it.

works great across all dms sites, you make want to adjust to below to search only the wiki. “nitrogen laser”