That is great. Maybe we should have a useless things contest.
…in the Fall. So Ms Giertz is more likely to be well recovered from brain surgery and more likely to participate.
We came up with an over engineered thing a while back. @LukeStrickland wanted something to see if the unisex restroom was occupied while walking from the shop area inside … You have the option of going down the CA hallway and check if the restroom is occupied or going forward to the other restrooms in the front. So he suggested a sign that lights up in the CA hallway when it is occupied. Simple, right?
We ended up in the discussion coming up with a robot that comes out and gently pushes on the door once in a while to check if it is occupied. Then it would alert wirelessly to a LED sign that would display in RGB text the status of the restroom. @PearceDunlap then suggested that he would work on it only if it did the Terminator knock haha
So, there is also over engineered things as well as useless things … almost the same actually …
A strain sensor/switch on the toilet seat and a timer would probably have worked cheaper/easier. a PIR/IR sensor on the tank pointing forward probably would work as well as the strain sensor/switch.
A PIR somewhere in the room (plus a timer) would also probably have gotten the job done.
Analog solution:
A sliding lock (Occupied/Available) ala an airplane bathroom which closes the circuit on an “occupied” light would also work.
That would take all the fun away. We have to make it over complicated but work.
Heck, I swear there is a hidden one in my homes bathroom. It causes friends phones to auto-dial me and delivery trucks careen to deliver something to my door. It is very effective and very well hidden.
HAHA! too true…