It was a great episode, but stuff like this is entirely unsuitable for the open areas of the forum when we are trying to do some fund raising.
Is DMS trying to hide something? Why do we need to censor paying members in order to raise funds?
It was a great episode, but stuff like this is entirely unsuitable for the open areas of the forum when we are trying to do some fund raising.
Is DMS trying to hide something? Why do we need to censor paying members in order to raise funds?
You don’t have any 1st Amendment rights on privately owned forums, only government run ones.
Posts with coarse language that are brought to moderators attention are being moved to members only sections, not deleted. Members can see all our dirty laundry just fine.
In the coming weeks and months DMS is asking for donations from various organizations. No, we don’t REQUIRE donations to stay afloat, but donations will make life a little easier.
Where is this coming from?
Why is this in ask dallas makerspace?
Because the OP started it here… and it is asking a question.
No one has been a potty mouth yet, so I’m inclined to leave it.
Think part of the problem is inconsistent “enforcement”, flagging, etc.
The mods are volunteers, and don’t read every post. If you see something wrong, flag it.
We have a small group of people that do most of the flagging. If more people flagged bad posts, we would get better moderation.
Odd statement. What private entity or party actually owns this forum?
We have collectively decided to allow moderators, admins with board guidance to administrate and moderate this forum.
You are a smart man, don’t be obtuse.
That would be Dallas Makerspace. Dallas Makerspace is not a Government entity, but rather is a Texas State Non-profit Corporation.
I think he may be referring to something along these lines …
That’s non-responsive. The good news is, when someone does ask the question “have we collectively decided to allow moderators, admins with board guidance to administrate and moderate this forum?” you’ll have a ready answer locked-n-loaded…good on you!
See the link above about ownership of a non-profit …
A Texas State Non-Profit corporation. Assets/properties are held in trust for the government/people of the state of Texas.
I get tired of the trite, hackneyed pablum “you have no freedom of speech here because of my private parts blah blah blah”, shortly followed by someone who thinks they are posting the XKCD relevant comic for the very first time. What it, and people posting it, are missing is that we don’t have freedom of speech in this country because the 1A grants it. We have freedom of speech because as free, sapient beings we have freedom of speech, i.e. it is a natural right. The 1A protects that right – not grants it – because it is GOOD and RIGHT. Whenever it is curtailed, especially for arbitrary or self-serving or [other bad adjectvies] reasons, it is BAD and everyone is hurt.
As I have said before, I have no problem with rules/moderation. It is how the so-called “rules” get proposed, agreed, and implemented that I am concerned with.
Also, now that you have stooped to vulgarity (ie.e ad hominem name calling), does this thread need to be moved?
If you have a point to make, please do…I’m all ears. Errr…eyes.
You are almost correct. It is the 2nd Amendment that protects the 1st Amendment.
My point is the government does not own a non-profit or its assets but we collectively manage it. Sure, it has to obey laws but that is different than ownership. You asked who owns this forum. Of course, the simple answer is Dallas Makerspace but this is obvious. I saw that you might lead your question from the obvious to that the government owns it. My link gives reasoning that it does not. So, I chose to give the answer to who is in charge of managing this forum.
I didn’t want to be accused of some sort of -ism or being some sort of -ist by neglecting dolphins or our alien/extra-terrestrial cousins.
And thanks for all the fish…
Pffft… while you guys are messing around, you forgot your trusty towel.
I have mine!
Yup … Free speech also covers hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings who, unbeknownst to the human race, are the most intelligent species on the planet Earth