Who’s down for a “making it” watching party?

A new show is coming out championing the makers. It might be interesting to watch it together, it might not be, but it could be. I don’t really have tv at my house or I would suggest a big ol watching party - so I figure the space is a better bet. I don’t even know if the room is open to be honest nor do I know how to stream it in.
Premiers on the 31st.
We could make a bracket and bet cookies on the finalist.

Who in?
Watch the preview:


Looks like something for the CA crowd.

If you’ve ever seen “Nailed it”, I suggest a watching party then we try to recreate the winner’s project.


I’ve been a fan of nailed it since the beginning, and it’s hilarious to watch. I’d be down for a watching party of either show.

Nailed It lands the other way for me. I find it mostly irritating. Despite that, I can see the attraction of watching a slow-mo train wreck.

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The only thing about it that bugs me is they don’t give the participants enough time to really create the thing properly, and they give them instructions on an iPad that seemingly use jargon specific to season bakers. Both of those things, coupled with their already admitted lack of skill or training, make it a train wreck. And that is undoubtedly by design. That being said, I do enjoy watching the successes. It’s neat to watch a total novice, cards mentions above stacked against them, and yet they still pull off a decent finished product.

I went ahead and scheduled the room for the 31st at 9. I don’t know how to stream but I’m hoping out of the people who show we can figure it out.

It should be fun times



Ok guys I made some chocolate chip cookies for tonight. Anyone coming? Anyone have the ability to setup streaming?

Just a fun little get together

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@classielassie and I should be there.

I’m coming. I have to find a grocery store to get some kind of snacks.

Thank you for organizing this! I had a lot of fun.


Agreed, thanks for setting that up! And thanks to that guy who brought the Pizza, that was delicious!


It was is a neat show, For those that missed it, it is reality
completion show, sort of like the baking shows, but with making
something as the focus,

On the first show the first challenge was I think 2 hours to make an animal
that represented you. Among the items was a paper mache rabbit with alpaca fleece.
a pig with a Mohawk, a paper bee on a paper and cardboard flower and a shadow puppet
The second challenge was to make an heirloom quilt of any material and a picture album
That matched as a series

I think it might be fun to do some similer challenges here


I taped it and watched it later in the evening.

One fun thing… There was a “fun break” (dunno the TV production word for it) where Nick asked Amy what different things were - Pizza Cutter (rotary cutter), Kebab skewers (knitting needles), Espresso maker (fancy sewing machine). Ha Ha Hee Hee. That was followed up with a promo for a web site (where you can buy crafting stuff? or some kind of crafting supply subcription?) that was called “Blueprint” and they gave myblueprint.com as the URL. Only when I tried to go there, it is a biomedical research collaboration site. When I try that (deleted: URL) site at work I get a “we blocked that site because it’s suspicious” warning from our firewall.

So, hmm…

ETA: I thought Khiem or Jeff would win…

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Your age is showing…


Your age is showing…

This won’t help:

Well excuuuuuse me… DVR’d it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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FWIW it was a Serger.

They also did a fun test to see if Nick Offerman could detect the type of wood by smell alone. He got all of them but Mahogany.

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Mahogany, the Spanish word for “can’t taste it.”


It was amazing pizza!

Damnit I was dead sure this was Thursday for some reason, probably all the narcotics my.pharmacist accused me of using! I hope Nick giggled a lot and drank some Scotch, Ron Swanson is my spirit animal