Who polices classroom use?

Yeah, he was part of the “No Fun League” and often cancelled anything that had game/fun/frolic/party/etc in it… even if it was a true makery event/class.


We must be serious at all times … never silly



I wouldn’t mind doing that actually. I’m afraid that it might be a conflict of interest since I have a handful of classes that I’m preparing for Digital Media. I assume that if a class were requesting an honorarium one would just recuse oneself and let another auditor approve or disapprove the class.

The process seems a bit ill-defined, so I’d like to see some clarification or at least something in writing so I would know what the guidelines are.

Clearly that’s not cool. In my opinion it’s better to let some of these slide if they’re in the grey area than to just disallow anything that seems fishy to an auditor. That results in less hurt feelings and can encourage community building.


Since I started this, I wasn’t suggesting any particular event was inappropriate. I found one that looks like it might not happen but hasn’t been canceled. I wanted to know who to PM about it (And now I know). And in the process of that some of the current practices were clarified for me.

I appreciate the time that the volunteers put into this! I agree that anything that constitutes objective guidelines is generally a good idea. However since I am unable to volunteer any time to support that effort I will (try to :grin: ) refrain from telling Classrooms/ Calendar/ Honorariums what to do.

EDIT: Just to be clear, I have personal opinions about whether we should allow private events during prime time. Our practices allow it and until / unless someone volunteers to address it in a systematic manner it is going to stay the way it is.


Thanks for being thorough.

I wish there is a list of rejected events like there is for honoraria…


I am both an auditor and an admin. I also teach classes for honorarium though I give my share to committees. I see no conflict of interest because the auditors cannot approve classes; they can only reject them. I can not reject my class just as well as an auditor as I can were I not.

The rules for events are:

  1. Events must be on the official calendar to be considered scheduled. Adding events to the calendar can be done from our calendar management system.Use the “Add Event” link on the Events page.
  2. Scheduling of events is done on a first-come basis, as determined by the calendar management system.
  3. Scheduled events should uphold our Mission Statement
  4. Scheduled events take priority over unscheduled events.
  5. Scheduling conflicts should be worked out peaceably by the affected parties. Disputes will be arbitrated by members of the board, or by the Board of Directors as a whole.
  6. All events must be sponsored by a current member, who must be present during the event.
  7. Donations are encouraged but not required to hold events.
  8. Guest access to the facility will be limited as required by the event.
  9. Terms and Conditions for events can be dictated and modified by the Board of Directors.
  10. Honorarium Auditors and calendar administrators may at their discretion cancel or modify scheduled Classes or Events that are not in keeping with the DMS mission, are deemed inappropriate for DMS, are deemed not to be actual Classes/Events, represent an abuse of the calendar system, or represent abuse of DMS resources.

That is all we have to work with.

There are more rules for honoraria, but even the auditors do not agree on exactly what they mean.

If you are still interested, @StanSimmons will set you up.


Actually the way things are set up for honorariums you not could approve your classes.

In the Event review section, there is ability to approve and release from the queue without waiting 48 hrs. This is where you’d have a possible conflict.

I release all committee & SIG meetings immediately as these are governance aspects of DMS and don’t see why there would be an objection. By doing so it gets maximum time awareness out on the calendar. Regular events I let wait 48 hours.

@Bill @John_Marlow Is there “Team_Auditor” distribution available. I think there is but don’t know the name. Is there a complete listing of @ distributions anywhere?

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Not for Honorariums. It is still reject only on Honorariums.


Good catch. Forgot word “not”. have corrected.

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The @Team_Calendar gets 6 people, and isn’t a match for the AD Group “Calendar Admins”.

There isn’t a @Team_Honorarium on Talk, but there is an AD Group “Honorarium Admins”.

Both AD Groups contain the BoD, and a few others. I don’t want to publish the lists, but I can pm them to you if you wish.


Please and Thanks. Twice over for 20

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There is no @Team_Auditor yet. IMHO, there should be.

If you click on that control some call a hamburger in the upper-right of the Talk window, you get a menu. Selecting “Groups” gets you a list of the “@Teams

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Like JTC, WOW. I’ve looked at that but never clicked on Groups. Thanks.

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