Who Made the Large Ants in Metal Shop? Possible new client


A good while back, a member was making large fire ants with rebar legs in metal shop. I have a buddy that would love to purchase one if possible.


and now I’m writing things to take up space

Thank you!!!
I’ll send him a PM.

Are you looking for a group buy? :wink:

Would love to have a couple of those tucked away in my landscaping for the random discovery.

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I’m mainly asking for Ray,
But, it might not be a bad move to pick up a few for PAT now that I think about it, especially if you want a few.

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Anyone have a picture? I love ants. Was disappointed that the ant farm for the space never came to fruition :frowning:

The ones JJ @apparently_weird made were huge! about 2 1/2’ in size. Made like 30 for an exterminator company, crawling along it’s building. Very cool project.

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Oddly enough they weren’t for an exterminator company, client just owns buildings around the metroplex. Here are a few photos for those interested. 043A7A1B-4D7B-4C51-B764-EC1149322560


They look awesome!

the quick brown dog…

whoa. I love those!

… jumped over the

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I saw these on the floor and was taken back at the craftsmanship. What a great project. What did you use for the ant bodies?

These are awesome and even more so on the side of a building. Great work!

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The bodies are fiberglass shells over the 1/2" rebar structure. Each is then coated numerous times with plasti dip. Gives it a good rubberized finish that holds up well to both UV and elements while inhibiting rust.


Yup, definitely want one.

I think we need to see if the landlord would let us at least put a couple of smallers ones
in the ground cover

Would you be interested in a order for a couple? Our fireworks group the Fireants would love to have a couple.


Always happy to make more, I’ll PM you.

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