Who is this person?

trying to identify this person. He made off with our hydraulic cart 4 days ago
leaving our new expensive tilt table on the floor - which is NOT appreciated in any way and has not returned the cart. If you know him, better let him know that cart had better come back. I searched and didn’t find it in the building yesterday. I have no problem escalating this.


Sounds like we need to start taking pictures when we assign badges =)


yes. for wanted posters.

You mean the cart that Jimmy brought up for Vector to use 4 months ago? The cart that someone painted “Machine Shop” on the handle? It was with the other hydraulic cart, the plastic cart, the pallet jack and the wood cart, over blocking the loading dock.


no sorry, Jimmy donated it to the machine shop which is why it was marked.
The one by the loading dock was the grey one which I believe logistics has. I did not see the shiny one. If I missed it it’s just these old eyes. But it isn’t back where it started nor with the tilting table on it. cheers!

thank you @StanSimmons for finding that and returning it home.


Dang, I do enjoy myself a pitch forky event, too bad this one fizzled before we could really get a good mob going.

no need to pour gasoline on a fire. this is not intended to be an excuse for people to be cruel. as it’s been pointed out before, until someday there is a pictorial record of members (or customers as some would have it), this type of thread is the only way to identify someone who the chair does not know. If it embarrasses someone, well I rightly don’t give a damn. I’m a bastard about it because I’m tasked with taking care of my area, and that includes making sure things (that are taken without permission) come back. do the right thing and it won’t happen. end of the story.

I will add that @StanSimmons is the hero of this story for finding and returning the cart. The villain is still at large which is why I did not redact this. Moderators can do with the thread as they wish if they think ‘feelings’ may get hurt.


Nick, of you are at the space, he was in interactive 10 min ago.

no sorry, running parts at home and scouring the internet. what a life, eh?

In these troubled times, It might be better just post the picture, and ask for identification, and leave the accusation/allegation out of it…


I’d say we can leave the public ID out of it by requiring a pic with the badge. Then we can handle it internally without having to publicly put someone on blast.

I, for one, prefer NOT to have my ugly mug on file here.


when you take over as chair, you can do that. New elections are in Mar/Apr. Until then I’m doing what I do when I need to do it.


We have two carts that were donated to Machine Shop specifically. They are used to lift heavy tooling up onto primarily the Bridgeport. Both are Manual Hydraulic - no air assist. OOne has a rating of 1,600 lbs the other I believe is around 850.

Leaving it on the floor can damage it - moisture and this area is where we have had repeated roof leaks. But it was very clear this cart is used for storage of the tool, as there is a similar cart next to it that also has heavy tooling on it. It is NOT a general use cart.

Like Nick, if he’d set tooling on table, used it, returned and replaced, this wouldn’t be a issue.

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I prefer it not to be there as well, however the days of yore when everyone knew everyone else is gone. I suggest for new badges, we add a picture. It would be stored in a location that only the board and appointed committee would have access to.

I know there is significant resistance to providing information voluntarily, however a picture assigned to a badge is the most basic of information, and it would provide the benefit of not having to publicly lambast someone in a thread when a chair could make a request to see if there’s a matching access to the building by a membe that looks like someone on camera. That person can then be contacted in private.

“Not putting stuff back where it belongs” is one thing. Posting a picture and making a theft accusation is another. (Or maybe I misinterpreted “made off with” to mean “stole.”)


oh, no!! using capital letters is a strong emotional outburst. now you’ll be seen as a bully as well. shame onto you. oh no, now feelings will get hurt. It’s a never ending cycle. when will it stop?

yes, David knows it sarcasm.

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assign what ever word(s) you need to it to get you thru the night.
Someone takes something from the area. Doesn’t bring it back.
that someone is on film taking that item. tag it the way you want to
but do the right thing. Or we can just let every thing go to hell.
you choose.

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Nick’s doing what he feels is best for his space. It’s a bit bristling, but it works for Machine Shop.

Worse than taking the cart and not putting it back is leaving the tilt table on the floor. We’re not talking about Harbor Freight quality tools here.

machine shop